3 Ways To Fight Off The Early Stages Of Gum Disease

Published On: Jun 05, 2023


If you’re someone who may have taken a bit of a lax approach to their dental hygiene, there’s a good chance that, at some point, you could experience the early stages of gum disease. Luckily, there are things that you can do now to help keep the gum disease you’re experiencing from getting worse.

To help you see how this can be done, here are three ways to fight off the early stages of gum disease.


Improve Your Cleaning

One of the first and best things that you can do once you’re informed that you’re showing early signs of gum disease is to commit to improving the way that you clean your teeth.

While doing things like flossing more often, really getting into the pockets of the gums next to the teeth, and brushing your teeth after every meal can be beneficial, there is still more that you can do to improve your cleaning. Dentists and other dental professionals can give you an even deeper clean that you’re able to do yourself. They can do this through things like removing plaque and tartar buildup by hand at your biannual dentist visits. At these visits, you can speak with your personal dentist to learn if there’s anything else they would recommend for you to do with regards to cleaning your teeth.


Get The Right Dental Work

In addition to cleaning, there is other dental work that you can get done if you’re really needing some help with fighting against gum disease.

Something that you can try is called scaling and root planing. With this type of procedure, your dentist is able to remove the bacteria that’s further down on your teeth than you’re able to reach with just a toothbrush or dental floss. And if you do root planing, your dentist will smooth down the surface of your teeth so that they’ll become slick and food or bacteria will have a harder time sticking. You can also do things like get dental implants in Indianapolis or elsewhere if your gum disease has started to progress too much.


Ask About Medication Options

Along with the surface and deeper cleaning of your teeth and the areas around your teeth, you may also want to look into some medication options that are available to people who are having a hard time with gum disease.

If you and your dentist are concerned, you can get medicated mouth rinses that can help to keep bacteria at bay. You can also get gels or other compounds that are meant to resist the buildup of the plaque that is causing your gum disease.

If you’re needing to fight off the early stages of gum disease that you’re experiencing, consider using the tips mentioned above to help you with this.

CATEGORIES : Dentistry
Monika Verma