3Bee: Hive-Tech for bee research

Published On: Jan 11, 2017

Press Release (ePRNews.com) - Jan 11, 2017 - About:

3Bee is the first Italian project born from the idea of ​​three researchers for the Protection of the hives and environmental protection. The beehive of the future does not only serve to protect these precious “social insects”, but it will also be useful to researchers interested in monitoring and studying their behaviour, to understand, for example, the recent sad massive death of bees and the so-called “bee colony  depopulation syndrome”, which endangers the survival of these insects.

This unique project, developed by Niccolò Calandri from the Polytechnic University of Milan, Riccardo Balzaretti and Elia Nipoti from Università di  Milano, did not go unnoticed and was chosen to represent the ten best  innovative ideas worldwide in the context of the “BCFN YES! International competition”, promoted by Fondazione Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition to award the best food and sustainability projects developed by young students and researchers.

Device & Sensors

E-HAND: It includes 2 types of sensors: the first for the detection of the temperature and moisture internal to the hive and the second for the measurement of the increase in weight of the beehive (balance). With the first sensor you can get an overview on the state of health of the hive. With the second it will go, instead, to monitor productivity, necessity and serious accidents in the hive.

E-NOSE: It consists of sensors for the detection of air quality, oxygen, dioxide carbon. In analogy to what is done for other types of animal farms are the first alarm instrument in the case of diseases and virus diseases.

E-EAR: The device are connected some microphones optimized for the acquisition of EM ission sound of beehive sounds. The device allows you to capture the intensity and the sound spectrum of the vibration of the bees, ranging from 50 Hz to 600 Hz. The sound language of the bees will be able to predict the swarming of bees well in advance as well as listen to the birth of new queens.

E-EYE: The device is equipped with sensors capable of analyzing the intensity and spectrum of ambient light. Thanks to this sensor will be able to evaluate the influence of the light spectrum foraging activity of bees.

Beekeepers will also be grateful to the young researchers since they will be able to make substantial improvements to the quality of life of their bees by taking timely action in case of adverse events such as the presence of chemical or physical agents that may be a possible source of stress for the insects, or cause problems to the vitality of the “queen” bee, a decrease in the number of individuals in the swarm, etc.

With just 4 days left in this campaign, your support is urgently needed! Please look at all the rewards they have for those who make a contribution. Please consider getting involved, at whatever level you can, and help “3Bee: Hive-Tech for bee research” project get funded!

Need your help

If you can’t afford to donate, don’t worry – there are plenty of other ways you can help. Please take some time to share this campaign across your social networks and encourage your friends and family to donate.

For more information about 3Bee http://3bee.it/

If you want to support this project, you can do so by donating on their Indiegogo https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/3bee-hive-tech-for-bee…

Source : 3Bee
Business Info :
Funding Successful
Website: http://www.fundingsuccessful.co