4 Bucket List Gap Year Ideas for the Most Adventurous

Published On: Jun 05, 2023
4 Bucket List Gap Year Ideas for the Most Adventurous

A gap year is a great opportunity to escape daily life, explore the world, try new things, and broaden your horizons. Whether you are taking a year off before starting university, taking a year off work, or traveling in retirement, you will find that there are many amazing options to consider if you are an adventurous person. Adventurous gap years can change your life in many ways and give you experiences and stories you will cherish for the rest of your life. So, what are a few bucket list gap year ideas for those that are seeking adventure? Keep reading to find out.

1. Backpacking Through Southeast Asia

It may be a common gap year activity, but this is for a good reason. Backpacking through Southeast Asia allows you to discover some of the most beautiful places on Earth, experience new cultures, meet new people, try new food, and more. Thailand, Cambodia, and Vietnam are countries that can show you a completely different way of life, whether you are exploring an ancient temple, hiking through a jungle, or eating tantalizing street food in a city market.

2. Working on a Yacht

A great way to spend your gap year is to work on a yacht. This is because you get to see the world and experience the high life while also getting your expenses covered, so it is a smart financial option and means you do not have to save up huge sums before you head off. When you work on a yacht, you will have a range of jobs that need to be done, which also means you can develop new skills. People often make friends for life onboard a yacht, as you will be living, working, and enjoying free time together. You will need to submit a seafarer’s self-assessment form if you work on a commercial vessel, but there is a tax service for UK seafarers that can do this for you.

3. Climb Mount Kilimanjaro

If you are someone that likes to set yourself a challenge and test your physical and mental capabilities, then it is hard to beat climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. Located in Tanzania, Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest peak in Africa at a staggering 5,895 meters. This makes it a real physical and mental challenge, and it is important that you train for this expedition, but it is an experience that could change your life and give you a great deal of self-confidence. The views at the summit are not bad either!

4. US Road Trip

If you are someone that likes driving and enjoys the thrill of the open road, then a US road trip is a great option. Of course, Route 66 is the obvious option taking you from Chicago to Santa Monica through the incredible beauty of the States, but there are many other good road trip routes to consider. It is amazing to see the diversity throughout the States in terms of landscapes but also culture, and you are sure to have many adventures along the way.

If you are planning an adventurous road trip, these are four options that might be just what you are looking for.

CATEGORIES : Vacations
Monika Verma