4 New Year’s Resolutions To Enrich Your Emotional Wellbeing In 2022

Published On: Nov 24, 2021
4 New Year’s Resolutions To Enrich Your Emotional Wellbeing In 2022

Christmas will soon be here, and after the multitude of fabulous presents have been unwrapped, tons of turkey have been devoured, and the Christmas jumpers are back in the washing machine ready to be brought out again next year, you will no doubt be turning your attention to the new year and what will 2022 will bring.

With that in mind, especially after the trials and tribulations that the pandemic brought the majority of the country, continue reading for four new year’s resolutions to enrich your emotional wellbeing in 2022.

1. Practice 5 Minutes Of Meditation Every Day

The wonders and positive impacts of meditation on your mental health and wellbeing can simply not be denied, and one of the kindest promises you can make for yourself in the new year is to dedicate just five minutes every day to solo meditation.

The benefits of meditation to one’s emotional health are numerous, and include (but are categorically in no way limited to) the following:

  • A boost in creativity
  • Increased quality and duration of sleep
  • Improved social wellbeing of the individual
  • A reduction in low mood
  • An escape from the problems of everyday life
  • Reduced anxiety levels
  • Reduced stress levels

2. Eat A More Vegan-Friendly Diet

There is a wide plethora of reasons why turning towards a more vegan-friendly diet in 2022 can positively affect one’s emotional health and wellbeing.

Making mindful and conscientious food and meal choices will focus your attention not only on what you are consuming, but more importantly on the origins and sources of the product; not to mention what was used or created during the production process.

Cooking vegan food at home, or treating yourself and your family members to a meal out at a prestigious and established plant based restaurant will open your mind to the process of food creation with wholly positive results.

3. Pay Off Any Outstanding Debts

Naturally, if you are the proud owner of a home, it would be entirely unrealistic to pledge to pay off the entirety of your mortgage in just a year.

However, if you have outstanding store cards or other smaller loans, ridding yourself of these proverbial weights around your neck will certainly positively affect both your mental health and physical wellbeing.

Becoming debt-free will result in a feeling of release and the easing of both physical and emotional tension that you may have been carrying around with you.

4. Remove Yourself From Social Media

One of the best possible new year’s resolutions you can make for the good of your emotional health and wellbeing is to remove yourself from all of your social media platforms for an entire year.

It is entirely possible to delete the applications yet still keep the messenger features, so you will no longer be faced with inevitable comparisons of lifestyle and appearance, but you will still be able to keep up with friends and family online.

Monika Verma