5 Reasons Crime is On The Rise 


All it takes is one look at the news to see that crime rates are surging all over the United States. And while the world will always be a place where both good and bad coexist, we can do our part to decrease crime by understanding the root causes.

By understanding why crime is on the rise, we can hopefully develop effective strategies to address and correct the issues at hand. Here are some of the biggest factors leading to the increase in crime in the United States.

Lack of Police Presence 

Unfortunately, many law enforcement departments have been forced to operate within tightened budgets. Despite associations like the national police association that seeks to spread awareness about the importance of a police presence, many cities are cutting back on police funding.

In turn, this lack of funding results in reduced presence in our communities, and consequently criminals running amok. When your number of criminals outnumbers police, you’ve got a real problem on your hands.

Drug Epidemics

Sadly, we’re living in one of the greatest drug epidemics of our time.  The prevalence of drugs is becoming increasingly apparent as communities find themselves overwhelmed with addicts and drug crimes. The cycle of addiction is one that encourages people to do whatever it takes to get their hands on what they’re addicted to. Unfortunately, this leads to illicit activities that are often dangerous and cause harm not only to the addicts themselves but also to their community.

Social Unrest

The United States is torn on many different political topics, which has bred an environment of contempt and violence. People are dissatisfied with each other and the government as a whole, and as such, the United States has seen more protests and riots than they have in the last few decades. Unfortunately, these kinds of rebellious acts lead to chaos and escalated resistance to order.

Fewer Community Programs

Programs that are put in place to educate the younger generations on crime prevention have been defunded in many areas. Unfortunately, with the lack of direction and education, these younger generations often turn towards a life of crime. Yet, statistics show that the sooner you can educate a community on crime prevention, the less likely that generation is to engage in unlawful behavior.

The Evolution of Technology

Once upon a time, crime was something people thought of in only a physical sense. However, with the rise and evolution of technology, people can commit a crime remotely. Hackers are able to steal someone’s identity and financial details from potentially thousands of miles away, all they have to know are a few ins and outs of hacking. Because of the sophisticated tools available to criminals nowadays, we are seeing a significant increase in cybercrime.



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