A Guide to Processing A Traumatic Birth

Published On: Mar 01, 2022
A Guide to Processing A Traumatic Birth

Birth can be a very difficult experience even under the best of circumstances, so to go through something that makes that even worse can be absolutely devastating.

There are many factors that can constitute as a traumatic birth, and everyone is different.

This piece will take a look at a guide to processing trauma that has been a direct consequence of birth, and what steps you can take to work past it.

Talk to A Professional

Most therapeutic interventions when considering trauma come from talking to a professional. Whether you are managing pain, coping with injury to your baby, or are dealing with complex issues such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) from birth, talking to a professional that specializes in the area can help begin your healing process.

Your midwife or health visitor should be able to answer any questions you might have after the birth to put your mind at ease. But, if you find that you need further intervention to process your feelings and thoughts, then a therapist can help.

Understand Your Labor Notes

Going through a birth is an extremely engaging experience. It is almost impossible to be anywhere but in the moment. Cross that with any pain relief drugs and any complications, and there is far too much to remember. This is why your labor notes can be an excellent source to help you understand what happened while you were in the delivery room and what you experienced.

These accounts should be completely factual and will help give you a bigger picture.

Physical or Psychological?

You might wonder what constitutes as a birth trauma, but the truth is that it can be physical, psychological, or even both.

What has happened during the birth will also make a big difference as to whether any legal action can be pursued too.

If there were any physical birth injuries to both yourself or the baby, and there was a means of preventing them, you could be entitled to compensation. When you are ready, hire yourself a birth injury attorney, and hold the medical practice accountable.

Talk to Your Partner, Friends and Family

Sometimes you just need to have your friends and family there for you. Talking to your partner about what you’re experiencing can help lighten the load. It will help them understand how you are feeling and what you experienced, and it will also give them a chance to express their feelings and thoughts too.

If your partner was there during the delivery, they also might be able to shed some light on what happened and make sure your doctors’ notes are accurate as well.

Get Community Support

Unfortunately, there are many people who have had a traumatic birth, so you are not alone. Consider getting community support where you can share your stories with those who have undergone similar experiences to you. This can help you deal with what you have been through and make understanding friends in the process.

CATEGORIES : PhysiciansHealth
Monika Verma