Become a Better Leader: Show Me How

Published On: Jun 06, 2023
Become a Better Leader: Show Me How

Humankind is comprised of many different types of people and showcases a never endingly diverse range of personality traits, opinions, ambitions, and points of view.

One fairly easy way to determine such differences is related to whether an individual is inherently a leader or follower. If you consider yourself firmly part of the latter group, then continue reading, as here is how to become a better leader.


1.   Understand Your Own Leadership Style

It may well be the case, especially if you have been a manager at this company or another for a number of years, that your personal style of management has changed and evolved over time.

The first step to becoming a better leader is to ascertain your current style of leadership, with a view to improvement, with the four key leadership styles consisting of the following:

  • Delegative Leadership (empowering employees to take their initiative)
  • Coaching Leadership (suggesting to employees how to improve and grow)
  • Directive Leadership (spelling out to employees what is to be done and how)
  • Supportive Leadership (regularly checking in with employees for progress checks)

2.   Find Time to Further Your Education

Another fundamentally effective way of improving your leadership skills is to add additional qualifications to your current resume, not only because this will make you more employable should you want to progress in the future, but also because it will familiarize you with the latest technologies and methods.

If you decide to earn a Change Management Certificate online, then you will easily be able to balance your current professional commitments, your personal responsibilities and expanding your knowledge base.


3.   Show Your Passion

Presumably and indeed, hopefully, for the sake of your own emotional health and wellbeing, you enjoy your job and love being a leader working in the industry and field of your choosing.

Even though knowing your level of passion toward the role is great for you, you also need to demonstrate this passion to act as a type of role model to long-serving employees and new recruits alike.

The enthusiasm you have for what you do, providing you demonstrate this in a practical and indeed, an inspirational way, will inspire your employees to become more invested and dedicated in what they are doing, which directly affects their level of productivity and efficiency at work.


4.   Never Become Stagnant

As the saying goes, if you are not living on the edge of your comfort zone, you are taking up too much space and this rather cliched metaphor can be clearly applied to your skills at leadership.

Encouraging the people you lead to make their own decisions and crucially, provide their own opinions on improvements in a constructive way before acting on such suggestions will ensure you never become stagnant as a leader.

Finally, although exceedingly important to remember, if and when you make a mistake, either in assuming a job is completed only for it to be revealed you dropped the proverbial ball further down the line, always be honest and own up to your mistakes; your employees will respect you all the more.

Monika Verma