Benefits of Co-Sleeping with Your Baby

Published On: Aug 07, 2019
Benefits of Co-Sleeping with Your Baby

How well does your child sleep? Is a common question among mothers when you have a new baby. After having a new baby especially as a first time mother it becomes a challenge on how and where a baby should sleep. However, months later after they grow. You can be in a better position to share your bed with them. As you try many methods to see which works to have your baby sleep longer and better. Seeking help from a sleep specialist is one method. But other traditional methods like bed-sharing have worked wonders and have shown many benefits to this idea. All in all, sleep is important to you and your baby and it works better when both their needs have been met. Below are some advantages of keeping your baby close to you while you sleep at night.

Improved sleep for the mother

Mothers are natural nurturers and are wired for closeness. New mothers have the challenge to get a well-rested sleep until their baby can sleep through the night. In this case, co-sleeping may not be a guarantee to better sleep. However, more mothers claim to have improved sleep when they bring their baby to their sleeping space. The reason for improved sleep while with your baby next to you is that the mother releases the hormone oxytocin. This hormone is known to improve sleep quality and also as your baby continues breastfeeding more of this hormone is released and your breast milk continues to flow.

Babies get to a routine quicker

Babies, of course, are not able to distinguish between day and night especially when they are infants. Hence most of them sleep better during the day and at night are very restless. Therefore, sleeping with your baby at night in a quiet and dark environment is a good way to train them that there is a time to sleep through for a while. While during the day let your baby be around light exposure and daytime noises will help them to learn to be alert during the day. Since you are not sleeping with them then. Try co-sleeping to see if it is effective and enjoy bonding through the night with your baby.

Ability to meet most of the baby’s need

When you sleep with your baby you are in a better position to meet all of their needs with ease. As any mother would know a baby needs to be changed, breastfed and soothed all in one at various intervals. This benefit is very convenience to the mother since they are at a restful state at the sleep number bed. In comparison, when the baby is in a different room and you have to walk down the hall, getting out of bed, and the various diaper changes. This can be exhausting and deprive you of the sleep quality and quantity that you are in dire need of. Since you are required to be fully alert and awake while going to the baby’s bed. Co-sleeping just needs you to roll over and meet the needs quicker and lure the baby back to sleep.

Reduced crying at night

There are many reasons why babies cry at night. When they are not sick it is a sign of a need for a diaper change, they are hungry or other unknown reasons. When the baby is sharing your sleep number bed. They sleep better for they feel secure and are less fussy. Therefore, through co-sleeping with your child, you can easily tell why they are crying or uncomfortable. This is useful to both of them since the baby will cry less by getting the attention quicker. When you are with the baby in bed it is easier to lay them down for sleep at night and also for naps as well during the day. since they will start getting accustomed to your bed.

Better bonding and secure attachment

To bond better with your baby, try co-sleeping with them. This makes them feel secured and well cared for as the baby knows everything they need is cared for. This attachment can be seen through how the baby behaves when the mother leaves and returns. And also how they respond to certain situations. Through bonding, the oxytocin hormone is released that helps a lot in improving bonding and attachment. Although it is not the only way to bond with your child. Co-sleeping ensures there is more closeness among the two of you.  Practice co-sleeping for this benefit if you are a busy mother, or have older children to take care of as well. To share all the love with your baby when there is little or no interruption.

Continuous and adequate milk supply

Breastfeeding can be a challenge especially when a baby is sleeping in a different room. This disrupts the mothers’ sleep cycle leading to sleep inadequacy. When you are feeding naturally or by the bottle. And you are co-sleeping with your baby the flow of milk is maintained due to continuous breastfeeding and feeding on-demand as well. This need is the best served when co-sleeping and it contributes to the baby’s sleep quality and quantity in a great way. This also assists mothers to prevent painful engorgement of breasts especially since there are no long breaks between feeds.

Given these points, the benefits of co-sleeping can be advantageous to the mother but it is important to take some safety measures. Especially with the fear that most mothers have that they may roll on their baby. By learning the necessary guidelines, it becomes easier to co-sleep with your baby and for everyone including your spouse to be able to sleep well. Some important measures worth avoiding are alcohol, drugs, and medicine that has a drowsy effect. In case the mother has sleep apnea or any other sleep conditions do not try co-sleeping. Plus, ensure your baby does not overheat. This among others should be observed for co-sleeping to be a success and to be able to enjoy the benefits fully.

CATEGORIES : Lifestyle
Shilpa Dhaygude