Biocoat Produces Special Soil Fungus that Helps Feed the Planet
Press Release ( - Brunswick, Australia - Jun 10, 2018 - BioCoat Pty LTD is an Australian based company that specializes in producing a special type of soil fungus known as Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi. Mycorrhizal Fungi is helps plants grow more efficiently while utilizing less fertilizer inputs and simultaneously reducing how much Carbon Dioxide is in the air. It can do this by converting the Carbon Dioxide in the air into Glomalin.
Mycorrhizal Fungi grows in association with plant roots. It takes sugar from plants and exchanges it for the moisture and nutrients that are gathered by the fungal strands in the soil. This type of Fungi can increase how much nutrients and moisture a plant can absorb and acts as an extension to the root system of the plant. This means that the plants grow better with Mycorrhizal Fungi.
Mycorrhizal Fungi is thought to be crucial in gathering phosphorus from uncultivated soils. There is often a limited supply of Phosphorus found in natural soils. A plant would need a vast root system to meet its requirement for Phosphorus without help. When farmers use Phosphorus rich fertilizers they can suppress the Mycorrhizal Fungi. Many plants and fungi found in uncultivated situations only survive due to the mutually beneficial arrangement existing between the Mycorrhizal Fungi and the plants.
Glomalin is a carbon that is thought to make up a third of all the soil carbon supply in the world. It is formed by the Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and is beneficial to most crops and plants. Glomalin can be found in all soils and is produced in extremely large amounts. What is exceptionally interesting about Glomalin is that it is extraordinarily tough. Glomalin will not dissolve in water and is even resistant to the process of decay. Glomalin helps the environment and lasts a long time.
Glomalin functions to protect hyphae from nutrient loss. Hyphae are thread-like filaments that make up multicellular fungi. Hyphae are responsible for releasing enzymes from the plant and for absorbing food sources for the plant. Glomalin also acts to combine and stabilize soil aggregates. It can reduce erosion, increase water intake, increase water retention near the roots, improve nutrient intake and root penetration, and reduce compaction. Glomalin has the ability to increase nutrients provided to plants and help them grow.
BioCoat is Australia’s largest independent natural Mycorrhizal producer and sales it’s products to the public. All BioCoat’s products are naturally produced and can be easily bought. BioCoat even offers a 100% replacement guarantee, meaning there is no risk in trying their products. If you are not satisfied, you get your money back. For more information on helping your plants and the environment go to