How to boost morale of your employee’s in effective ways?

Published On: Jun 08, 2022
How to boost morale of your employee’s in effective ways?

The downfall of any business is a lack of morale; when employees are unhappy, they don’t do their best work, which in turn leads to poor results and revenue. To combat employee morale issues, the business might consider implementing an employee survey or creating a “bro-card”, in which employees are asked to share their appreciation for the firm’s efforts. This process can lead to better employee relations and more productivity with less turnover as well as greater customer satisfaction.

Employee morale can be affected by many different factors within an office or business. Three of the most common factors include poor management, ineffective communication, and a lack of appreciation from other employees. When an employee is unhappy because they feel that they are not being heard or appreciated, they are likely to decrease both their hard work and their willingness to stick with the company. Poor management can lead to many problems with employee morale.

8 Effective Ways to Boost Morale of Employees in an Organisation

Employees are the backbone of a company. A highly skilled and motivated workforce is what separates successful enterprises from struggling ones. To have an effective, reliable workforce, companies need to do their best to keep employees happy and productive. You can’t just rely on hiring competent people; you also need to provide them with a healthy, fun work environment. The daily grind will break down on even the most qualified employee without some regular attention and maintenance. In this article, we’ll discuss ways to keep your employees happy and motivated.

Employee morale is one of those things that’s hard to quantify, but if you’re having trouble keeping your employees on the same page, these tips can help boost morale of employees.

1. Add some variety to the incentives and bonuses

Every employee in a company is different, so you need to tailor incentives and bonuses to fit each individual’s interests. But, if your employees aren’t motivated by money alone, try adding some variety to the incentives you give them. You can also offer bonus at different stages of achievements to boost their morale up like :

  • Bonus for reaching objectives that involve learning new skills
  • Bonus for improving their performance in a specific area of their jobs
  • Bonus for coming up with creative solutions to problems
  • Bonus for helping out their colleagues
  • Bonuses based on sales or progress in projects

2. Appreciate them!

Employee morale has a significant impact on how a company works, and managers need to do what they can to keep morale up. While some difficult choices don’t involve taking action, there are many ways a good manager can influence the mood and culture of their team, and one of them is Appreciation.

When an employee does something above and beyond their standard job description, let everyone know about it. Give specific positive feedback about the work your team does. And make sure to praise publicly. Publicly praising and recognizing employee contributions can positively impact team morale because:

  • It makes employees feel like the organization appreciates their work, and it also reminds others in the company that their hard work is noticed at the managerial level.
  • It helps to establish a culture of recognition throughout the company, and it creates an environment where people are more motivated to do their jobs well.
  • It builds up an employee’s sense of self-worth, which can lead to increased job satisfaction.
  • It makes each employee feel as if they are valued members of the company’s team.
  • It gives a boost of confidence, which may make employees believe that they have more potential than they may have realized.
  • It makes employees feel like they are a part of something bigger than themselves, which may make them more likely to be loyal to the company.
  • It motivates employees to work harder and perform better. Because they know that their accomplishments will be recognized, it can increase their feelings of accomplishment and self-worth. They will also have a sense of pride in the things that they’ve accomplished, and this can help improve their productivity.
  • It builds a positive reputation for your company with your employees.

Make this a regular practice so that everyone knows what’s expected of them in terms of going the extra mile for the company and their fellow employees.

3. Encourage Competition

Another great way to boost morale is by encouraging competition between employees. This is something a lot of companies shy away from, not because they don’t want their employees to be ambitious and want to compete at all times, but because it could potentially make some employees resentful if they lost the opportunity for a promotion or raise. However, employee competition can be healthy and constructive if it’s done in the right way.

4. Be Open-Minded

Each employee has different ideas about what makes for positive company culture and how to solve problems. Everyone’s an expert in this area of their own lives, so don’t be afraid to ask people what they think; it will only make them want to work harder for you.

5. Take feedback from your employees

The most important thing that you can do as a manager is learn what makes your employees happy. You should always ask for reviews from management, the workers, and customers about the services that your company provides. The main factors that affect morale are pay, benefits, quality of supervision, and job security of an employee. Make sure that your company’s benefits are competitive with other companies in the industry. The benefit of choosing a benefits package should be weighed against the impact it has on employee morale.

6. Fair Pay raise policy

An employee that receives a pay raise will have less stress and be more open to new ideas. On the other hand, a worker who is in an unenviable situation will think that they are not being treated fairly, and therefore won’t be motivated to help your company grow. The main goal of pay is to make sure that each employee is paid fairly and equally.

7. Good communication

Communication is another step that a company can take to boost employee morale. The first is to speak honestly, clearly and directly with your employees. Having clear direction and expectations means staff will know what they are supposed to do. Spend some time getting to know your employees. You want them to feel a sense of connection, so you can build a team that delivers results on a consistent basis. This can be done by having regular meetings where you ask questions about the business, their role and what motivates them.

8. Invite your employees as customers

Make them feel they’re on the inside by inviting them over or showcasing their work. You could also let them help out with making decisions about products or services.

Why do you need to make your employees feel comfortable and how can you do it?

To make work as pleasant and rewarding as possible, you need to make your employees feel comfortable from day one. That includes establishing a good working environment by putting out all the rules in writing and making sure that you regularly communicate with them about their performance. Some of the best things that employees can do daily are to get regular feedback on their performance and make it easy for them to take the time to provide it. Next, you need to make sure that they understand the policies and procedures of the organization. If there are any additional benefits that employees should be aware of, then you need to make sure they know them as well. Finally, have a great deal of sympathy for your employees because they are human too and are likely stressed out by their day jobs.

Importance of employee morale in the workplace

It has been said that morale is the key to a successful business. If morale is low, employees are less likely to work hard, produce good results, and feel motivated. This effect can even result in lower productivity levels and higher turnover rates among employees. While many factors contribute to your company’s employee morale (age of the workforce, job satisfaction, benefits package), one of the most important decisions you can make as a manager is how you communicate with your team members.

No matter how good a company is, it is inevitable that there will be some friction. You should always strive to resolve your employee’s grievances and complaints as soon as possible. Every time you spend time trying to solve a problem or find a solution, you are giving your employees the sense that their issues are important to you. It is equally important to make sure that your employees understand the reasons behind your decisions because this will help them trust you, and hence build morale at work.

What are the bad effects of low employee morale in your company?

When employees are happy with the quality of their work and the environment in which they spend their days, they produce better results and make your company stronger. Low morale can lead to a negative impact on your company’s productivity, profits, customer service, employee retention rates, and staff recruitment.

It is also important to note that low morale in one department or division may cause high-performing colleagues in other areas to lose motivation as well.

1. Disengagement and Burnout

Many of the factors that compromise a person’s engagement in their work area are at least partially out of the employee’s control, such as salary and working conditions. If your employees feel they have little control over their work, they may become disenchanted with the whole job. As a result, they will lose motivation to perform well upon getting back to their desks after lunch or after a meeting.

Disengagement and burnout are a factor to consider if you want to avoid spending a large portion of your day procrastinating on Facebook or playing with your dog. Your employees will not do their best work when they are not engaged. Similarly, if your employees are burned out, they will not be able to perform as much due to a lack of energy and enthusiasm. In extreme cases, they may even leave their company.

2. Loss of Motivation

If employees don’t feel motivated to perform at their best every day, there is a chance that this will negatively affect the work of colleagues as well as the overall success of your company.

3. Lower productivity

People tend to work slower and not as productively if they are unhappy at work. This is mainly because they don’t feel like putting in their best effort, but also because they may be looking for another job if things continue negatively at the current position. To increase productivity, you should strive to make sure that your employees are happy at their jobs. Creating a climate of happiness doesn’t mean that you have to be overly “touchy-feely” and have to deal with cloying employees. It means that you should instill innovation in your company by hiring people who are innovative and creative.

4. Decreased innovation

The most important thing is to make sure that the employees can work independently, for example by providing them with their own office space and not dictating their workspace or giving them instructions on how they should complete their tasks. By giving employees the chance to work independently, you allow them to get innovative.

5. Lack of absenteeism

Employees with low morale do not like to go to work, and they are often absent from their jobs. This can be especially true if an employee feels like he doesn’t have a lot of freedom or his suggestions and input aren’t valued by the company.

6. Customer loyalty

If employees don’t have any respect for that company, then customers won’t either.

“Solution: These effects can be avoided if you provide your employees with a stimulating environment, where their work is of high quality and it feels like they are making an impact. This will boost their morale and keep them engaged with their job.”

What causes low employee morale?

Morale is one of the most important aspects of a company’s operations. It affects all levels of the company and leads to an increase in productivity which translates into increased profits for the company and employees alike. If an employee has low morale, they may turn to more risky practices that can lead to costly mistakes and mismanagement. In contrast, high morale can lead employees to be committed to the job and willing to work late without complaint or resulting in creativity and innovation that drives long-term success.

The morale of an employee is largely dependent on the work environment, particularly in a negative economic situation. Morale may also be affected by an employee’s relationship with a boss, co-workers, and the company itself. To understand the morale of an employee it is important to look at what they need to be successful and committed to a company:

1. Positive Relationships with Others

When an employee has positive relationships with their co-workers and boss they will feel more comfortable coming together to resolve problems and offer suggestions for improvement.

2. Meaningful Work

If employees’ work is meaningful to them, they are more likely to be productive and satisfied. According to the Templeton Positive Psychology Center (2009), people need meaning in their life as much as they need food and water.

3. Autonomy

Autonomy is how free an employee feels in their job which helps determine their productivity level by allowing them to feel like they can make decisions that directly affect their work or the company at large.

4. Impact on Others

When an employee is contributing to the success of others and the company, they will feel like they are making a difference and will be more motivated to do their job.

5. Open Communication

This can be achieved through direct discussion or chain letters where employees can freely communicate concerns, ideas, or suggestions for improvement to others without feeling judged.

6. Career Development

If an employee’s skills are not being fully utilized, it can lead to frustration and a loss of motivation.


Boosting employee morale is desirable in all companies. You can get your employees to work hard if you have high morale in the office. Morale comes from the way that you treat your employees and the benefits that you give them. Give your employees rewards, praise them, and help them be happy and they will work hard for you. Boost employee morale with these tips, and you’ll find it easier to get great work done from your employees.

CATEGORIES : Business Management
Bhawna Anand