Chicago Skyway Operators Roll Out Multiple Community Support Efforts During COVID-19 Crisis

Published On: May 11, 2020

Press Release ( - CHICAGO - May 11, 2020 - Skyway Concession Company LLC (SCC), the company that operates and maintains the historic Chicago Skyway Toll Bridge (I-90), today announced several donations that reflect continued support of the local Skyway community and our essential workers.

Trucker Tuesdays: Chicago Skyway is offering snacks bags to truck drivers at the toll plaza each Tuesday during the month of May. The snack bags, decorated with drawings made by the families of SCC employees, contain bottled water as well as healthy, salty and sweet snacks. “With increased demand for food and goods during these unprecedented times, truckers are struggling to navigate long hauls with closed rest stops,” said Skyway’s CEO Fernando Redondo. “We hope these snack bags serve as a small token of the Skyway’s gratitude to America’s truckers for moving the goods that keep our country moving.”

Good Neighbor Program: SCC is also providing more than 10,000 pieces of personal protective equipment for elderly and at-risk members of our surrounding community. With the help of the 7th, 8th, 10th, and 20th, Ward offices, gloves and masks are being distributed to vulnerable neighbors in the wards surrounding the Chicago Skyway on the southeast side of the City.

Feed the Frontline: In a show of appreciation for the staff on the front lines of COVID-19, The Intensive Care Unit at Advocate Trinity Hospital, located just west of the Chicago Skyway gets meals donated by SCC. “These first responders work long hours to ensure patients’ needs are met, often at their own expense,” said Skyway CEO Redondo. “We can’t thank them in person, so Skyway hopes a good meal lets them know how much they are appreciated.”  

Chicago Community COVID-19 Response Fund: SCC also made a $5,000 donation to The Chicago Community COVID-19 Response Fund in a show of support for our larger Chicago community. The fund is providing basic needs to our Chicago neighbors in this time of crisis, partnering with philanthropy, government, business and individual donors.


About the Chicago Skyway: Built by the City of Chicago in 1958, the Chicago Skyway Toll Bridge is a 7.8-mile-long toll road that connects the Indiana Toll Road to the Dan Ryan Expressway on Chicago’s South Side. 

The January 2005, 99-year lease agreement between Skyway and the City of Chicago was the first privatization of an existing toll road in the United States.

​​​For contact:

Avis LaVelle
312 402 2171

Source : Skyway Concession Company, LLC