Choosing the right multivitamin supplement for you

Published On: Jul 29, 2020
Choosing the right multivitamin supplement for you

Wondering how to choose the best multivitamin supplements for yourself? Countless individuals go through this dilemma on a regular basis. A little homework on your part will do wonders in terms of helping you make the right choices. Dietary supplements usually consist of several vital elements including fish oil, vitamins, minerals such as calcium, herbs and a lot more.

A sizable majority of individuals take supplements daily across the globe. In the United States, for instance, almost 50% of adults take supplements. It goes without saying that you should decide on taking supplements based on the advice of your dietitian, nutritionist, wellness coach, doctor or fitness consultant.

Are supplements needed at all?

Doctors and health experts believe that they are required for a large number of people in order to cover for certain deficiencies or in cases where there is no access to healthy food on a regular basis. This is where demand has shot up for quality multivitamin tablets for men, women, senior citizens and the like. There are specific varieties of the best multivitamin capsules for ensuring better hair and skin health.

Here are some scenarios where supplements come in extremely handy:

●    Pregnancy- Pregnant women may not consume ample iron from their daily food intake, particularly if they have recurring morning sickness. All women who are pregnant or are attempting to get pregnant, should consume folic acid. Prenatal vitamins may offer added safety in such cases as per experts.

●    Children- Young children and infants may require additional supplements for getting ample iron and Vitamin D.

●    Dietary Aspects– Sometimes, it is harder to find crucial nutrients like Calcium or Vitamin B12 from your daily diet in case some food groups are skipped. Even those with dairy based allergies or vegan food habits may need additional help in the form of the best multivitamin for men or women.

●    Age- People who are older than 50 will find their bodies absorbing lesser Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D with advancing age. After reaching middle age, people may start taking additional supplements for better health.

●    Gastric Bypass Surgeries- After undergoing such surgeries, multivitamin supplements may be needed since the body does not absorb nutrients suitably.

●    Health/Genetic conditions- Nutrient absorption abilities may be constrained in case there are issues like cancer, inflammatory bowel diseases, cystic fibrosis, celiac disease, autoimmune disorders, liver diseases, dependence on alcohol, genetic mutation and so on.

Deficiencies in specific nutrients may require the usage of additional supplements and multivitamins with the doctor’s advice of course. Extreme pain in the joints or bones, hair loss, irregular heartbeats, tiredness, slow-healing wounds and changes in vision are serious occurrences pointing at serious deficiencies.

Some crucial insights from experts

A majority of experts feel that consuming the best multivitamin supplement on a regular basis will not do any harm. However, you should always be wary of side effects and make sure that you minimize the chances of the same by consuming other substances or fortified food/drinks. Many dietary supplements prove helpful in several cases including lowering chances of bone loss, fractures, cures for common illnesses and so on. Omega-3 fatty acid components may help with a healthier heart, improved blood flow and lower levels of inflammation for instance.

Vitamin supplements help in covering up nutritional deficiencies and lowering chances of a host of illnesses. A mixture of antioxidants, Omega-3 fatty acids and zinc can help in slowing down ARED (age related eye disease) as well.

Things to look out for

While choosing multivitamin supplements, you should watch out for several aspects including the following:

●    Suitable regulatory approvals- Check for requisite approvals and other authority permissions issued to the supplements. Check labels carefully for contents and whether they are approved.

●    Ingredient Values- Check the multivitamins for daily values of ingredients.

●    Balance between Gender and Age- Needs of consuming nutrients will vary on the basis of your age and gender. Premenopausal women will require ample iron and older adult individuals will need higher Vitamin D, calcium and Vitamin B6.

●    Vital Micronutrients- Keep an eye on the essential micronutrients that are required by your body. These play a vital role in keeping the whole system going seamlessly. Along with Vitamin C and other well-known nutrients, good multivitamins may comprise elements like iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium. Some multivitamins may also include Vitamins B12 and B6 along with riboflavin, thiamin and niacin along with pantothenic acid, folic acid and biotin. Some other components may include borate, iodine, molybdenum and zinc along with selenium and calcium. Magnesium, Vitamins E, A and K are present along with Vitamins D3 and D2.

●    Nutrients that are needed by your body- As per the standard dietary guidelines issued by experts and doctors worldwide, most people face deficiencies owing to the lack of nutrients like potassium, calcium and fiber. Most multivitamins will have lower amounts of such nutrients. You should make sure that you consume food rich in nutrients like fiber, potassium and calcium.

Calcium is found in cheese, plant-based and calcium fortified milk, yogurt, low-fat milk, tofu, orange juice, cereals and even almonds. Nuts, seeds, legumes, beans, whole grains and oats along with fruits and vegetables contain fiber while potassium is contained in potatoes, legumes and beans, yogurt, low-fat milk, tomato-canned products which are low in sodium, lamb, fruits, fish and pork. You should always consult your doctor if required on the suitable time of day to consume your best multivitamin tablets for women or men. You should always make a note of the food that you should consume with the same for lowering chances of discomfort.

Keeping these handy tips in mind will help you choose the very best multivitamin tablets for your needs. If there are any doubts, you can always consult your physician/doctor or your health expert for advice regarding the same. It goes without saying that multivitamins and supplements may often help in combating a variety of problems with aplomb. All you need to do is make your choice carefully.

CATEGORIES : LifestyleWellness
Monika Verma