Curing Substance Abuse Isn’t Easy, But It’s Possible

Published On: Apr 03, 2021
Curing Substance Abuse Isn’t Easy, But It’s Possible

Suffering from substance abuse is very common in today’s society. Alcohol addiction, more commonly referred to as Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD), can happen to anyone. People often turn to alcohol to relieve stress, cope with a loss or trauma or shame, overcome anxiety, and sometimes feel good. They use alcohol for one reason but slowly become dependent on it to numb their senses. Inpatient alcohol rehab centers help in treating alcohol addiction.


Long-term drinking can severely affect the health of an individual. Both short-term and long-term effects of alcohol can be hazardous for physical and mental health. High consumption of alcohol causes slow reflexes, impairs hearing and visibility, and affects your coordination. That is why drinking and driving are prohibited and is a bookable offense. In the longer run, AUD could affect your liver, cause heart problems and diabetes, and make you more prone to cancer.

Treatment for Substance Abuse

Alcohol Use Disorder is not incurable, i.e., one can cure it, and further, one can avoid relapse using various methods. The first step is to recognize that you need help which means that you acknowledge that you are suffering from AUD. The next step would be to evaluate your options and choose what kind of treatment you would prefer. The most effective method of treatment is inpatient alcohol rehab centers.

The treatment of alcohol use disorder is an intensive process involving several steps-

•    Detox – The first step is to detoxify the body, which involves getting rid of alcohol from the body system. Detoxification can cause very severe and serious withdrawal symptoms and should be done under medical professionals’ care. The symptoms usually start after a few hours of the last intake of alcohol and can last up to 10 days and, in some rare cases, longer than that.


The severity of the withdrawal symptoms depends on alcohol use duration and range from seizures to heart attacks. Individuals need medicines to help cope with the painful effects of withdrawal symptoms.


•    Rehabilitation – This step involves overcoming alcoholism and preparing the individual for regular life. Rehab can be of two types – inpatient and outpatient. Inpatient Rehab is round a clock treatment process, and the patient’s monitoring is done throughout the day. Monitoring becomes more accessible because the patient stays in the facility itself. Inpatient alcohol rehab centers provide a safer option to detox because you can get help from medical professionals.


The basic requirement for inpatient alcohol rehab centers is to stay on-site for the treatment’s full course. It is the better option for people who don’t want to involve their families and easily remove themselves from their work and social life.

Outpatient rehab is better suited for those who hold a responsible position and cannot leave their families or work. It helps them go through the treatment without disrupting their everyday life. Usually, the patients who perform great in outpatient rehab are highly motivated to get rid of AUD.


•    Maintenance – The final step is the maintenance of the treatment. The recovery process doesn’t end with getting rid of the habit of turning to alcohol in times of crisis. Maintaining sobriety in the long term requires help, which you can get from support groups or your near and dear ones. Continuous therapy helps you deal with the reintroduction into society.


The process of starting a regular life after treatment in inpatient alcohol rehab centers can be tough. Several triggers could make you relapse into the habit of consuming alcohol. Regular therapy or joining support groups will help you down the path of long-term sobriety and ensure a happy and healthy life.

Rehab Centers are your friend

Inpatient alcohol rehab centers provide constant care and attention to the patient and are costlier than other treatments. But these treatments are more beneficial in the long run. Getting through addiction is not an easy process and requires a lot of support throughout the treatment journey.  To deal with the financial aspect, you can opt for health insurance or an affordable monthly payment plan. Fundraising is also a viable option to raise money for the treatment. You can use your savings or turn to organizations that provide aid in funding the cost of rehab.

Several inpatient alcohol rehab centers are available in various areas of all the states. Substance abuse treatment in New Jersey can be difficult to find if you are not aware of where you should be looking. Curing substance abuse is not an easy path to walk on, but in the end, it is not impossible either. To get through your Alcohol use disorder, you need to know where you can find the right kind of help. Acknowledge the need to change and take a step towards the betterment of self, as life is precious, and so are you.


Monika Verma