DBH’s Making History in the United States-CGI Student Appointed to the New York State Board of Parol

Published On: Jul 27, 2017

Press Release (ePRNews.com) - PHOENIX - Jul 27, 2017 - Charles Davis, DBH student at Cummings Graduate Institute for Behavioral Health Studies (CGI), has been confirmed by the New York State Senate Standing Committee on Finance as a Member of the New York State Board of Parole, beginning the end of July 2017.

This marks the first time in history that a future DBH has served on a State Board of Parole in New York or any other US State. Reflecting upon the recent appointment, Charles shared the following message with Cummings Graduate Institute CEO and DBH Director, Dr. Cara English:

“CGI has changed my life, all for the better. Because I have the DBH program listed on my resume, the Senators wanted to know all about the program in each hearing. I was questioned by New York Senate Board members to explain the DBH program, and the ‘DBH’ title, which you can hear in the video below.

Everyone appears to be excited to have someone on the Board with behavioral experience. My goal is to use the education and skills acquired at CGI to improve behavioral health services throughout the New York correctional system.

Presently, within the NYS correctional system, primary care and behavioral health care are siloed, with no interaction across boundaries. The integration of care will support inmates while in prison, and will ensure appropriate treatment upon release, thus reducing recidivism rates among the formerly incarcerated.”

Cummings Graduate Institute for Behavioral Health Studies congratulates Charles Davis for his recent achievement and looks forward to seeing his impact in the state of New York.

Cummings Graduate Institute | About the Founder

Dr. Cummings is a visionary who, for half a century not only was able to foresee the future of professional psychology, but also helped create it. A former president of the American Psychological Association (APA) as well as its Divisions 12 (Clinical Psychology) and 29 (Psychotherapy), he formed a number of national organizations in response to trends. Since organized psychology resisted these inevitable changes, Dr. Cummings blazed the way, expecting others would follow. He launched the professional school movement by founding the four campuses of the California School of Professional Psychology that established clinicians as full-fledged members of the faculty. As chief of mental health for the Kaiser Permanente health system in the 1950s, he wrote and implemented the first prepaid psychotherapy contract in the era when psychotherapy was an exclusion rather than a covered benefit in health insurance.  Presently, Dr. Cummings resides in Reno, Nevada with the one love of his life, Dorothy Mills Cummings. Together in 2015 they celebrated their 67th wedding anniversary. They maintain a winter home in Scottsdale, Arizona. He continues as Distinguished Professor of Psychology at the University of Nevada, Reno, and active president of the Cummings Foundation for Behavioral Health.  He serves as the Vice Chair for the Board of Directors of Cummings Graduate Institute for Behavioral Health Studies.

For more information about Cummings Graduate Institute go online to http://www.cummingsinstitute.com.

Source : Cummings Graduate Institute