Dealing with Your Teenager Who is Trying Drugs

Published On: Dec 19, 2020
Dealing with Your Teenager Who is Trying Drugs

Substance abuse is something that leads to broken families. While addressing a substantial alcohol or drug abuse issue, parents have to deal with much trauma. First of all, it is vital to identify that your child is into substance abuse. In case you suspect that there is a substance abuse issue with your teenage child, it requires patience and hard work to deal with the situation. Teenagers these days are more into substance abuse because of varied reasons. However, when parents discover that their children are into this problem, they must respond with love instead of blaming the child for the situation.

You must determine what needs to be done and develop a feeling of support in the child, making them believe that they are not alone.

The matter is incredibly delicate and requires patience on the part of the parents. You have to make them feel comfortable to come up to you and speak to you about their problems. If you start blaming them for their condition, it would only deteriorate the situation. Ensure that communication is open, and try to reinforce that you are always there for them continually.

Speak to them about drugs softly and humbly, and help them to confront the addiction. Studies reveal that the best approach in dealing with this kind of situation is by speaking to them. Try to develop a sincere association with them so that they do not feel hesitant in sharing their thoughts and feelings.

What are the reasons that teenagers misuse drugs?

There may be various factors contributing to the misuse of drugs among teenagers. First of all, it is the social setting that makes these substances easily accessible to the child. The continued use of these drugs may then result in developing a tolerance for these stimulants. Hence, the teenager may feel uncomfortable in the absence of these drugs. In the long run, it leads to dangerous risks associated with it. The various risk factors encompass impulsive or risk-taking behavior, a behavioral or mental health condition like anxiety or depression, low self-esteem, a history of traumatic events, etc.

Take a glance at the following points that may help you rectify the situation

Always remember that substance abuse is a sensitive issue and being a teenager is a delicate phase of life. Hence, as parents, it is your responsibility to be open to your child and pay keen attention to the following points:

•    Develop the right approach: Adolescence is when the child undergoes many changes, which encompasses physical and mental alterations. They like to do experiments with alcohol or drugs. Parents have to observe the changes in their behavior, overall health, and appearance. Try to develop the right approach while dealing with the crisis by educating yourself regarding substance abuse’s main warning signs. Do look for drug paraphernalia or alcohol paraphernalia in their room, school supplies, and laundry.

•    Take the help of others: Always remember that you cannot take all your responsibilities. When you assume that you can single-handedly resolve the situation, it is nothing more than a misunderstanding. You may get in touch with immediate family members, friends and teachers, and higher school authorities. In addition to this, getting the advice of psychiatrists and doctors, and counselors may help you build a support network. Get hold of varied perspectives on the circumstance, and then decide how to deal with the ailment.

•    Never encourage them: Many times, parents do not want to accept that their kids have substance abuse problems, which leads to encouragement. It is when you tolerate hostile behavior and thereby allow it to continue without any hindrance. It is because parents are in denial of the situation themselves. In Rhode Island inpatient drug rehab, they address various issues that include difficulty expressing emotions, prioritizing the addict’s needs, ignoring the addict’s dangerous or hostile behavior, blaming the situation or people for the addiction, and resenting the addict, and acting out of fear.

•    Get in touch with a professional: In severe cases, studies reveal that you must get in touch with a professional therapist. When it becomes risky to deal with behavioral outcomes, it Is imperative to get professional help from psychiatrists and counselors who can deal with the situation. The local rehab centers will help you come in contact with recent treatment options that may suit your child. After a proper evaluation of the condition, they may recommend the option that perfectly addresses the teenager. Hence, getting in touch with professionals will be the last resort for parents and guardians.

Dealing with drug abuse is undoubtedly a sensitive issue for teenagers and people of any age group. However, in adolescence, they need to properly evaluate the underlying cause and its rectification with immediate help. You must handle the situation maturely so that your kids feel comfortable to discuss their problems with you.

Monika Verma