Documentation Integrity and Healthier Patients

Published On: May 24, 2017

"Integrity Does Your Body Good!" - iData Medical's iD3 process helps the medical industry increase its documentation integrity.

Press Release ( - ANNAPOLIS, Md. - May 24, 2017 - Remember when the milk industry inundated us with their “Got Milk?” or “Milk Does Your Body Good” campaign? Their campaign told us that drinking milk meant healthy bodies and bones. Well… when it comes to healthier patients, it similarly holds true that “integrity does your body good”.  Better patient care is contingent on clear, accurate, and thorough documentation – or simply put: Documentation Integrity.

“When clinicians are forced, or choose to use templated EHR documentation, they fall into bad habits.  These habits include such problematic documentation short cuts such as copy and paste, auto-fill-in of existing templates from previously recorded information, over-use of drop down menus which are pre-populated with erroneous or old data, and data pulled from other sources or records that are not appropriate to be re-copied. These habits create several problematic and risk prone situations that can result in harm to the patient as well as create legal risk for the organization.” (1)

“Integrity Does Your Body Good!”

As iData Medical employs its iD3 process and continues to expand its presence in medical transcription and coding, we are proud to announce a new sponsorship and collaboration with Darice Grzybowski, a nationally renowned expert in the field of medical documentation (see her award winning book, “Strategies for Electronic Document and Health Record Management” (…) (AHIMA, 2014). With Darice’s leadership, iData is offering a complimentary document integrity audit to help you drill down and discover how your documents stack up to industry standards and understand the level of risk, if any, your organization is assuming. Contact iData now to reserve your free document integrity audit, as availability is limited and will go fast!

For more information, click here to read the entire article entitled, “Importance of Transcription in the EHR” (…). And if you are really interested in this topic, iData Medical, along with Darice Grzybowski will be sponsoring a presentation and booth at the 2017 AHDI Conference in San Antonio on July 13-15. Would we love to meet with you!

(1) Grzybowski, Darice. Importance of Transcription in the EHR. Blog article found at:, posted February 9, 2017.

Source : iData Medical
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iData Medical