Easy Up Structures Offers Log Cabins in Canada
Easy Up Structures is the company you can trust for all your log kit building needs in Northern Ontario. Their buildings are specially designed to withstand cold, harsh conditions and will never lose their structural integrity.

Press Release (ePRNews.com) - Canada - Sep 03, 2022 - Log cabins are not just for the woodlands out there. Easy Up Structures was founded because people needed them, too, in Northern Ontario! Now they’re leading providers of log cabins across Canada with custom-builds and pre-made structures that can be delivered on-site with free shipping, thanks to their huge range. They are an authentic company with two locations in Cache Bay and Brantford and one on Saint John’s Harbour. This business aims to provide high-quality products that will last years, which they have accomplished thanks to their hard work!
A spokesperson for Easy Up Structures recently stated, “Easy Up Structures are the perfect solution for anyone who wants to have a log home without all the hassles. These structures are pre-cut and ready to assemble, so there is little or no construction required. They are also designed to be easy to build, even for those with minimal experience. The complex models are best for experienced builders because they require more time and technical skills to build. On the other hand, smaller log homes can be done with minimal construction knowledge since these have little or no cutting needed in their design process.”
Do you want to prefab cabins in PEI? The building industry is always evolving, and so should the tools we use to build our cabins. Easy Up Structures takes pride in offering a wide array of options with unmatched styles, making their products perfect for anyone who wants some backyard living space or simply an outdoor retreat near nature! With premium quality items tailored specifically towards customer needs (and featuring unique customizations), they’re committed to providing top-notch service and offering something different from what most people see on store shelves today.
The spokesperson further stated, “Easy Up Structures provide an affordable, convenient and customizable way to enjoy all of the benefits of a log home. Choose your model, choose your colour and choose your accessories- it’s that easy! These modular homes can be assembled without heavy equipment and come with detailed instructions that make assembly a breeze. Plus, Easy Up Structures are designed to be as lightweight and portable as possible, so you can take them wherever you go. Easy Up Structures covers you whether you’re looking for a temporary home or a permanent residence. Order yours today!”
About Easy Up Structures
Interested in log cabin kits in PEI? Easy Up Structures offers a wide range of products for their home. They specialize in log structures and swing sets, so if you’re looking to add some garden furniture on top! Their customer service is prompt in answering any questions or concerns about the product line.
Contact Information
Easy Up Structures
Cache Bay
828 Drive-in Rd.
Cache Bay, ON, P0H 1G0
Phone: 705-753-1800
Unit 8, 469 Hardy Rd.
Brantford, ON, N3T 5L8
Phone: 519-756-8686
Saint John
242 Rothesay Avenue
Saint John, NB, E2J 2B7
Phone: 506-343-2774
Website: https://easyupstructures.com/
Source : Easy Up Structures