Elements of a Personal Injury Case Evaluation

Nov 15, 2017 Mark

Press Release (ePRNews.com) - Northridge, CA - Nov 15, 2017 - This article will discuss the elements that are considered in a personal injury case evaluation.

If you have an injury as a result of a car accident and are considering filing a personal injury lawsuit in respect of a car accident, slip and fall, or any other related injury; the question you most are likely asking yourself is ‘what is my case worth?’ The answer to that question ultimately boils down to damages. That is, what your injuries cost you in monetary, physical, emotional and mental losses, and property damages. In a personal injury case, after one’s mental, physical and monetary costs, in respect of the injury, are valued in monetary terms they are paid out to the injured party or person by the person, or their insurer, who is responsible for the accident. This article will discuss the elements that are considered in a personal injury case evaluation.

A damage amount can be agreed upon by way of settlement that is, negotiated or ordered by a judge or jury following a court trial. Consult auto injury attorney for a free case evaluate, focusing on the legal and financial aspects of your personal injury lawsuit. One attorney stated that, “Even if the lawsuit does not require to be litigated in court, making a personal injury claim means there is need to be prepared for a jury trial in the event the defendant refuses to offer a settlement or a fair settlement.”

Some elements that are considered in a personal injury case evaluation are:

Liability – the first thing a lawyer will want to figure out is who is liable for causing the injuries and the accident. In some cases it will be another person, for example, the driver of the vehicle involved in the car accident. Therefore, there is need to meet traffic accident lawyer for legal advice.

Loss as a result of the injury – next the personal injury lawyer will look at defining and quantifying the actual losses that have resulted from the injury. Attorney Kenneth King from The King Law Firm stated that, “losses must be of significance in relation to the time and effort that will be put into pursuing the personal injury case. For example, if the injured person suffered a minor injury that will heal in a couple of weeks without any substantial impact on the injured person’s life then the claim is not worth pursing as there is not much physical loss incurred from the injury.” He further stated that, “if the injury is serious or has significant impact on the injured person’s day to day life and/or earning ability, then the case is worth pursuing. And as a result this is a primary factor to any attorney taking your case as this has a direct outcome on the monies to be claimed for and the value of the money is related to the amount of physical, mental, emotional and medical cost incurred as a result of the injury. Thus there is direct link between loss stemming from injuries and the monetary worth of your personal injury case”.

Financial considerations – in all practicality money is an important factor in an attorney’s evaluation of your personal injury claim. Especially when it comes to the at fault party; as money is the way by which an injured party is ‘made whole’. The best cases are those where the defendant has insurance that covers claimant injuries; as this is a sure guarantee of a check when settlement or court ordered judgement is made.

About the company:

The King Law Firm is a law firm of renowned professionals who specialize in personal injury law. They have a track record of winning cases especially those that go to trial. For more information consult Woodland Hills car accident attorney.

Source : The King Law Firm Follow on Google News
CATEGORIES : Legal Rights


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