Flooring systems from Ceramic Polymer GmbH for engineering room of „Tropical Islands"

Published On: May 10, 2017

Skid-proof and chemically resistant! „Tropical Islands" in Krausnick/Germany is the biggest tropical swimming resort in Europe

Press Release (ePRNews.com) - BIELEFELD, Germany - May 10, 2017 - The concrete floor of the engineering room (area of 431 m²) showed no sufficient protection against wear and chemical influences. Due to the application of our complementary flooring systems, a resistant and nonslip surface was created; the result is a durable preservation of the concrete floor as well as an extensive improvement of the occupational safety.

A variety of chemicals and additives are being used for the treatment of swimming and bathing pool water. For the disinfection chlorination and oxidizing agents are required. Sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide or potassium hydrate is used for corrections of pH-values. Iron-III-chloride serves for example as a flocculent, furthermore different filtration excipients are needed.  All of them aggressive substances, which can damage the concrete in case leakages of tanks and pump systems occur.

Simple application provides comprehensive protection
The flooring systems offer a very simple handling. Fast curing times facilitates early using and accessibility of the engineering room.

Technical Details
Project: Floor coating of engineering room (431 m²) at „Tropical Islands” Resort, Krausnick/Germany
Product requirements:  Anti-slip property, resistances to abrasion and chemicals
Flooring systems:
CP-Synthofloor BETA 8016 (2-component-epoxy-primer, solvent-free, transparent)
CP-Synthofloor 8463 (2-component-epoxy-coating, solvent-free, pebble grey)
Ceramic-Polymer 8481 (2-component-epoxy-topcoat, solvent-free, pebble grey)
Spreading material:  Fire-dried quartz sand, particle size 0.4-0.8 mm

Step on safe paths – The single application sequences
Priming and leveling:
The primer CP-SYNTHOFLOOR BETA 8016 was applied on the complete area. This product could also be used as a fine putty for the filling and smoothing of cracks and pores and the levelling of the concrete surface. Then quartz sand was lightly sprinkled on the wet area to achieve a good anchor profile for the following coating.

Preparing of paths with anti-skid function:
Initially, the paths were masked accurately. CP-SYNTHOFLOOR 8463 was applied in these areas with a toothed trowel. D.W.I. Service GmbH sprinkled plenty of quartz sand on the wet coating. After curing (approx. 30 hours), the surface was lightly grinded and the loose sand was thoroughly removed.

The topcoat for the paths:
The product CERAMIC-POLYMER 8481 provides a good chemical resistance, good mechanical properties and a high abrasion resistance. By using a rubber rake, the material was scraped tightly over the grit (consumption approx. 1 kg/m²) and finished with a short-haired paint-roller.

Coating of utility spaces:
CP-SYNTHOFLOOR 8463 was spread by a toothed trowel (consumption approx. 2.3 kg/m2) on the surface. This self-leveling flooring system shows very good chemical and mechanical stabilities as well as a high abrasion resistance.

The floor area of the engineering room is now long-term protected against chemical influences and signs of wear. The nonslip paths allow safe working and transportation of chemicals and other materials.


Source : Ceramic Polymer GmbH
Business Info :
Ceramic Polymer GmbH
Daimlerring 9
Roedinghausen, North Rhine-Westphalia - 32289 Germany
Phone: +49 (0)5223-96276-0
Website: http://www.ceramic-polymer.de