G Suite promo code FREE Basic and Business in Desamark

Published On: Mar 05, 2020

There are 2 promotions in Desamark, you can try some days for FREE the tool and if you want to buy you can get a promo code of 20% discount in the first year.

Press Release (ePRNews.com) - Spain - Mar 05, 2020 - Desamark is a company that offers G Suite services and offer G Suite promo codes and G Suite FREE trials of some days.

They also help small and large businesses migrate to G Suite using Google certified specialists who are always willing to help, provide industry insight and the G Suite expertise that will work for these businesses. Customers who choose Desamark can be sure of getting faster, cheaper, high-quality services at a fraction of the cost of what any other company would charge for these services.

Desamark have helped numerous companies and businesses make an effective transition from GoDaddy to Google Apps. Our customers have zero disruption as they can continue to work on GoDaddy while working on the migration that covers all emails regardless of the number. An adoption program will then be provided that includes text and video to direct them to the use of the new system that makes the migration efficient.

The FREE edition of G Suite, commonly known as the standard edition of Google applications. Since then, Google has charged a fee for this product. However, people can still find G suite for free. All they need to do is find a company that previously subscribed to the free edition of G Suite when Google offered it for free and retail it. What they will do is add their domain name to their free account that allows them to create groups, users and take advantage of most Google applications for work features that are now only accessible in Google applications for the paid work edition.

On the benefits of migrating from Office 365 to Gmail, the CEO said, “Gmail has a significant layer of security that can be prescribed to all users if the administrator chooses to do so. This layer of security is known as two-step verification. If you log in to Gmail from an unidentified device, you will be sent a text message with a confirmation code. Sometimes, if you’re out of range of your device, you can carry a set of backup codes in your wallet so that you can securely access your Gmail account. Two-step verification is predominantly required if you choose to use Google Drive as your company’s standard cloud backup for Mac or PC. You can make two-step verification not mandatory, or you can make it mandatory for all users.

G Suite promo codes Basic and Business

In case you are willing to try it before purchasing, use these coupons G Suite promotional codes offer 20% discount for the first year, and you can also apply them to register, but you can also use them if you have already registered and it hasn’t been more than 14 days after your registration. These G Suite coupons are valid for the whole of the year: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November and December.

Here you have a video with all steps: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_UfJu3VPWk

G suite actually can only offer the discount codes for the following countries:

  • Europe ( Spain, Belgium, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, United Kingdom, and United Arab Emirates )
  • America ( Argentina, Brazil, Canadá, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, Peru, United States and Puerto Rico )
  • Asia ( Australia, Hong Kong, India, Japan, New Zealand, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, South Korea, Taiwan and Israel )

In this link you can get a G Suite promo code.


G Suite Free trial – How to get GSuite for FREE ?

Exist other promotion in that you will be able to use the FREE G Suite for a few days. You can try this with the same link.

You can follow the future promotions and offers in desamark.com and in Desamark Youtube channel .

G Suite Prices – How much does it cost and what does each plan include?

GSuite have many different plans, you can consult all the info in this link G Suite price .

Haven’t you tried G Suite yet? What are you waiting for, you can do it completely free with this promotion.

Source : Desamark
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Website: http://www.desamark.com