Gary Lee kicks off "Kiss A Cow" Fundraising Campaign!

Gary Lee will be fundraising for the third year in a row for the Boys & Girls Club of Easton!
Jun 06, 2017 Mark

Press Release ( - EASTON, Pa. - Jun 06, 2017 - Gary Lee, also known as That Family Guy, will be visiting the Boys & Girls Club of Easton on Wed. Jun. 7th, 2017 to kick off the “Kiss a Cow” Fundraising Campaign. Gary Lee is one of the contestants that will attempt to raise the most amount of money for the Boys & Girls Club of Easton. The winner gets to kiss a cow at Klein Farms in Easton, PA this coming October.

That Family Guy is participating in this fundraiser for the third year in a row. In 2016 and 2015, he was named “Kiss a Cow” Champion and has yet to be dethroned. In the last two years combined, That Family Guy raised almost $34K for the Club.

Earlier in the year, Gary Lee and a few of the Brown Daub Kia family members visited the Club where the kids presented the champion with the “Kiss A Cow” trophy. Gary Lee at the time, threw out a huge challenge to the community and announced his intentions for the 2017 campaign saying, “This year, my goal is to raise over $25K! I want to raise $25K and finish in last place. This is not about me, it’s about all the kids at the Boys & Girls Club that benefit from this fundraiser!”

Also, on June 7th, 2017, Gary Lee will announce a huge fundraising effort that will attempt to bring in lots of “moo-la” for the Club while benefiting one lucky winner… For more details, visit

To donate directly to the Boys & Girls Club of Easton’s “Kiss A Cow” fundraising campaign, visit and click the “Kiss A Cow” link.

Source : Brown-Daub Kia Follow on Google News


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