Has Working at Home Proved Better?

Published On: Jan 11, 2022
Has Working at Home Proved Better?

The last few years have been a time that many would arguably rather forget. This is, of course, because of a certain virus that managed to sweep the world, introducing many to the idea of a pandemic and how challenging they can be to live through. This was a time where many were compelled to stay at home because of government policy, which would have proved to be an isolating time. Some people may have used entertainment such as online gambling sites to pass the time and more like these can be found here, but this wouldn’t have been a substitute for getting outside and engaging in the activities that people have accustomed themselves to.

Recent world events have seen the world change drastically, and the last few years has heralded many obstacles to everyone from virtually all walks of life. Job insecurity was a real concern, and many would have experienced the loss of loved ones as a result of the virus spreading across the world. This is not to say that this time was wholly bad though. There will be many families who will agree that their family has grown closer due to being near each other all the time.

Those who were able to work from home might also argue that the rise of the work from home model is a revelation that can be applied even after the pandemic is over. Even though many enjoy working from home now, this wasn’t always the case. When the monitors and headsets began to arrive at people’s doors sent from their employers, it was something new that would have to be gotten used to. Likely, many didn’t like the sound of working from home when one considers the distractions that someone might experience there. This could be from pets, children, or other instances that are outside one’s control. There was also the idea of it being a lonely way of working since people wouldn’t have access to the office culture that is a core trait of office working.

However, it would seem that this worrying was all for nought. As time passed, people began to discover how great working from home is. It might also surprise some to learn that it is a more beneficial work model for both employee and employer. This can be seen through the removal of a need to travel. Those who no longer need to get into their car and drive to work every morning will see that they save more money on fuel and they also save time in the morning that can be reinvested elsewhere. As fewer people are coming into the office too, employers are happy that they don’t have to heat up or cool the building as much, effectively saving them money too.

Working from home is something that everybody was already aware of before the pandemic, but there was no need to do it. The pressing need for the model has led to its popularisation, and it wouldn’t be surprising to see if it became a standard for most jobs in the future.

Monika Verma