Hearing Aids: How to Choose the Right One

Published On: Sep 11, 2020
Hearing Aids: How to Choose the Right One

Hearing loss is a common condition among adults in the United States. Age-related hearing loss—presbycusis—which occurs gradually across one’s lifetime, is one of the leading conditions that affects older and elderly adults. Statistics reported by the Hearing Loss Association of America show that an estimated one in three adults in the U.S. aged 65 to 74 experience hearing loss, making this condition third only to heart disease and arthritis. The NIDCD provides similar data, adding that almost 50 percent of adults 75 years old and older have hearing difficulties.

When hearing declines with age, it’s usually a gradual loss that affects both ears equally. There may be many reasons people experience a reduced ability to listen, including changes in the inner ear, middle ear, or nerve pathways between the ear and brain. Medications and medical conditions can also contribute to hearing loss.

While approximately 91 percent of adults who experience hearing loss is 50 years old and up, people of all ages can lose their sense of hearing. Per the Johns Hopkins Cochlear Center for Hearing and Public Health, an estimated 38.2 million Americans—14.3 percent of the population—reported having hearing loss. It may not be easy to realize that your sense of hearing is declining with gradual losses. Reduced hearing abilities can cause people to have difficulty listening to and following doctor’s orders, understanding conversations with family members, friends, and others, responding to warnings, and hearing phones, smoke alarms, or doorbells.

A hearing aid can be a solution for people who want to improve their hearing health. While a hearing aid can’t completely solve deafness or hearing loss, it can help enhance users’ hearing abilities, allowing them to hear better in noisy situations or crowded restaurants.

The NIDCD approximates that over 20 million adults living in the United States could find wearing hearing aids that are rechargeable beneficial.

Visit a professional and get a hearing test

The best bet for individuals looking for the right hearing aid is to consult an ear, nose, and throat doctor (ENT), audiologist, or other hearing professionals. When visiting the audiologist, describe to them any ringing in your ears you hear in quiet environments or issues with keeping your balance you experience. The audiologist can evaluate your hearing, explain any problems they find, and help you explore hearing health solutions.

Consider consulting a reputable audiologist company like Hearing Health USA for high-quality hearing tests, the best hearing aids, and other hearing health solutions. The largest group of hearing care clinics in the United States, Hearing Health USA operates independently of hearing manufacturers in the United States. This audiologist company can empower people searching for hearing aids and hearing aid users with hearing health education and hearing aids produced with top, modern technology.

Carrying various types of hearing aids from leading hearing aid brands—Starkey, Phonak, Signia, Unitron, Widex, Lyric, and Resound—Hearing Health USA offers young adults and seniors modern hearing aids of different styles that can suit any user’s needs.

Follow professional recommendations

An audiologist or hearing aid specialist will discuss the hearing devices available to users, make sure they fit correctly, and take care of users’ listening needs. Once you have the right pair of hearing aids that fit your ear, follow the recommendations and treatment plan you receive from a professional. Adhering to an audiologist’s advice and instructions for properly caring for your hearing aids and using them in conjunction with other communication strategies enables you to make the most of your hearing technology.

Whether you’ve gotten a new hearing aid to replace your old one or your first hearing aid, Hearing Health USA solutions can provide amplification and enhancement of your hearing ability and means of communication.

CATEGORIES : Lifestyle
Monika Verma