Home Automation Devices Development Over Time

Published On: Aug 19, 2020
Home Automation Devices Development Over Time

Home automation has been in the air for ages. It ensures the top convenience and efficiency of every appliance. It allows for saving natural resources and decreasing the negative impact on the environment. In the very end, an automated home means more comfort and safety.

Now, actuators, in particular, many micro linear actuator types enabled the automation of all the devices. Everything depends on your imagination and budget. With the help of specific devices, you can automate every corner of your home, and manage all the devices with a touch of a button, voice, or by facial recognition.

However, it hasn`t been always like this.

The first idea about automating home appeared in 1898 when Nicola Tesla invented the first remote control. 1901 brought the invention of a vacuum cleaner. Further, more domestic appliances followed, such as a fridge, a washing machine, and similar. It was the turning point in home automation. However, home automation itself still didn`t exist at that time.

We can speak about real home automation only when Echo IV was invented. It happened in 1966, and It was the very first smart automation system. It allowed people to use basic functions such as turning on and off devices, creating shopping lists with the assistance of computers, controlling temperature. All these functions still required a significant intrusion from the user`s side.

During 1990, more technologies were implemented, and automation has moved to a different level. Now, smart domestic items collaborate one with another to create the maximum comfort, safety level, and to take care of the environment. They adjust the temperature, open and close doors, and perform many more functions to ensure you live in the home of your dreams.

Some Examples of Home Automation

What about checking the most common devices that you can automate? Even if you are not a fan of smart home, these ideas will make you reconsider your attitude.

Automated Garage Door

Do you still open the door of your garage manually? Even if it is raining or snowing? Now, imagine that the door can open and close with a push of a button or simply when your car approaches or moves away. Or what about controlling your garage door from your smartphone?

This is possible if you automate the door. For that, you need a door automation system. It consists of actuators and an option to control them. With an automated door, you will forget about those unpleasant moments when you have to get out of the car in rain or snow to open or close the door of your garage.

Automated TV Lifts

A couple of years ago, automated TV lifts were a luxury item. Now, you can buy it for around 1,000 USD, or alternatively, you can make it. All the items (actuators and controls) are accessible on the website of any reliable actuator manufacturer.

There are lifts installed in a piece of furniture:

•    A cabinet;

•    A fireplace,

•    A table.

In some cases, TV lifts can be installed on the ceiling. You can choose any option. Installation of TV lifts in a piece of furniture is easier, you can do it on your own. While TV lifts ceiling installation might require assistance from a specialist.

TV lifts make your home look cool and save a lot of space, and your new TV is more protected.

Automated Windows

Not everybody automates windows. But what about being able to close them all automatically from a single location when rain or storm is starting? Now, it sounds like a nice idea, doesn’t it? There are less extreme situations, too, when you might enjoy this idea. For example, if you are tired or sleepy, you will definitely appreciate your automated window.

Automated Solar Panels

Solar energy is gaining in popularity. It is friendly to the environment and cheap (you need to invest in solar panels, but then, you use the energy of the sun for free). And if you automate your solar panels to make them move after the sun, you will make them work at maximum.

Again, a linear actuator system with a sun tracker will help you to do it. With such a system, you can use the energy of the sun constantly. it will decrease or even eliminate your expenses for energy, needless to say about the absence of the negative impact on the environment.

Final Thoughts

Home automation has achieved some level but it is not the end. Technology is developing constantly. New inventions make our lives easier and more convenient. At this point, human intervention is still needed. But we believe that in the closest future, our homes will become proactive. They will be able to forecast what we need based on a number of indicators, such as our mood, our health condition, and similar.

About the Author

Hayley Mann is a technology enthusiast specializing in automation methods of ergonomics devices. Her engineering background helps her to create interesting articles on technical topics, making them understandable for all readers.

CATEGORIES : Lifestyle
Monika Verma