Loans Now Website Educates Consumers on Bad Credit Loans

Published On: May 05, 2019

Personal loan provider guides borrowers through process

Press Release ( - Jacksonville, FL - May 05, 2019 - Bad credit can make people feel hopeless when they face issues out of their control like car crashes and medical emergencies. Personal loan provider Loans Now educates consumers so that they can get the help they need.

Loans Now’s website serves as an extensive resource meant to inform potential borrowers about how to borrow money responsibly. Its representatives work with borrowers to find the loan that’s right for them.

Unsecured Personal Loans Now has helped people obtain hard-to-find personal loans including bad credit loans since 2013. Its mission is to help individuals who struggle to find financing as lending sources become scarcer and lending guidelines stricter.

“We are often able to help customers obtain loans when others cannot,” said owner Matt Collins. “As part of that mission, we’ve worked hard to make our website a great educational resource on how to borrow responsibly.”

The Loans Now platform includes explanatory blogs, a debt-to-income calculator and a way for potential borrowers to check their credit scores.

The educational resource section includes information on how personal loans can be beneficial including how they can help consumers get their finances in order. It details what factors go into a credit score and how being a responsible borrower by making timely payments on a new loan can build up their score.

“Understanding how a credit score is determined is as important as the credit score itself,” Collins said. “Managing all these factors that go into a credit score isn’t easy, but you have to start somewhere if you want to improve your credit score.”

Loans Now requires borrowers to complete a questionnaire that a dedicated team member uses to guide them towards the best options. The free process only takes about five minutes to complete.

The loan provider offers unsecured loans with terms ranging between two and seven years. While Loans Now asks borrowers their credit score, the provider does not require a credit check.

“We created our Loans Now Discovery program after hearing from countless people who struggled to find unsecured loans,” said Collins. “Since then, we’ve been on a mission to help people easily obtain personal loans online. We have listened to our clients and worked towards meeting their immediate needs.”

To learn more about Loans Now and its educational resources, visit its website at