Lori Grant Chosen as a Future Leader for National Organization

Published On: Sep 15, 2022

Head of Newhaven Court at Lindwood will join AHCA/NCAL year-long program

Press Release (ePRNews.com) - GREENSBURG, Pa. - Sep 15, 2022 - With 20 years of experience in senior living care, Lori Grant truly appreciated the opportunity presented to her upon her selection as a national Future Leader by the American Health Care Association and National Center for Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL).

“Humbling,” said Grant, who will be part of a year-long Future Leaders Program that offers training and guidance for industry professionals in long term and post-acute care. Grant is the Executive Operations Officer at IntegraCare-operated Newhaven Court at Lindwood, a senior living community near Pittsburgh.

“Only two Future Leaders were chosen in the state of Pennsylvania,” observed IntegraCare’s Chief Executive Officer Larry Rouvelas. “Knowing Lori, those odds made her a pretty good bet to win.”

Grant appreciates the opportunity that awaits her throughout the next year.

“I have been in leadership positions for 20 years, and I have learned that there is always room to grow, more to learn and better opportunities,” Grant said. “I am grateful for this learning opportunity and hope to make IntegraCare and my community Newhaven Court at Lindwood proud.”

The AHCA/NCAL Future Leaders Program was developed in 2004. Selected participants demonstrate both leadership potential and represent the interests of state and national long term care providers. The program covers the latest theories and practical applications in quality management, customer satisfaction and leadership.

The year-long program will kick off with the Future Leaders of Long Term Care in America Symposium held September 13-15 in Washington, D.C.

“I am thrilled to welcome Newhaven Court at Lindwood’s Lori Grant to our newest class of Future Leaders,” said Mark Parkinson, president and CEO of AHCA/NCAL. “In the midst of a historic labor crisis in long term care, we need to continue to develop leaders in the profession that will help us build back our workforce of health care heroes. Lori Grant and our other Future Leaders will help transform our profession for the better, and we are honored to help them develop their careers in this rewarding sector.”

Grant has been a part of the IntegraCare team at Newhaven Court at Lindwood for 12 years. She previously spent eight years in an administrative role at a retirement community in Williamsport, Maryland.

The Pennsylvania Health Care Association (PCHA) honored Grant in 2017 with its AL/PC Administrator of the Year Award. Among the citations: Her development of an emergency disaster plan and the successful implementation of the plan when a sprinkler pipe burst at her community.

“Lori inspires her colleagues to be better professionals and better people,” CEO Rouvelas said. “She walks the talk and makes others want to walk with her. She leads through example — hard work, doing the right thing for others, optimism during tough times — earning the confidence of residents and families. And, she has the gift of making others want to act the same way.

“Over the years, an outsized share of IntegraCare’s company-wide leaders have been promoted from the ranks of her community,” Rouvelas added. “That says something.”

Grant embraces a team-first approach to her role at Newhaven Court at Lindwood. She feels the Future Leaders Program will enhance her role as EOO.

“Leadership is not about one specific person,” Grant said. “It is about the people you work with each day. Honestly, without them, I am nothing. I have the best team. We are a family and have fought the toughest fights and have faced the most difficult challenges together. My team has taught me so much and they play a huge role in who I am today.

“Because of this, I am hoping to bring wonderful and impactful information to the team from this program throughout the year,” she said. “This program has the potential to benefit all of us – IntegraCare and the Lindwood community. I have been blessed with amazing mentors in my life who believed and invested in me, and I’m always looking for ways to pay it forward.”

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