Musicassette – NFC Cassette Music Tape Sticker
Self-publish and share your music Musicassette promises to make you discover the joy to create music mix.

Press Release ( - BOLOGNA, Italy - Apr 27, 2017 -
What is Musicassette?
Musicassette is a rewritable nfc sticker that links to your own music simple by placing it close to your smartphone.
Musicassette promises to make you discover the joy to create music mixtape and share it physically with your friends in a new rewritable sticker format, where your smartphone is the recorder.
Musicassette makes your digital music tangible and easily accessible.
How it works?
The stickers comes with an app that allow you to record and listen the music through your smartphone.
The sticker houses an NFC tag encoded with a unique URL that links you to our online app where your music is safely stored.
Listen Cassette: Place the cassette sticker near your smartphone to start to listen the music that you have recorded in the cassette.
Recording Cassette: Place the cassette sticker near your smartphone to start to record from your microphone, add an mp3 or select music from your favorite playlists.
Demo Video
Self-publishing your own mixtape
In the same cassette sticker you can merge various musical sources (microphone, mp3, youtube videos) to create your own 60 minute mixtape. You will be able to perform this action directly through your smartphone. The musicassettes are endless times rewritable.
Audio sources
Discover the pleasure to share physical mixtape sticker with your friends or stick it in your area of interest. Bring your music in the real world.
With Musicassette you can create a mixtape with music taken from microphone, mp3 and youtube videos.
• Create a mixtape with your favorites love songs and give it to your girlfriend!
• Records a demo of your band, and share it with your friends!
• Record your voice, reading a story, and allow your child to listen it when they want!
• Record your favorite vinyl records and bring them with you!
• Record the concert of your favorite artist and keep it forever!
• Record a voice message and leave it around the house to be heard by your loved ones!
