Navy Crow Celebrates the Chief's Birthday with the Anchored Challenge Design!

Published On: Mar 27, 2017

Press Release ( - SAN DIEGO - Mar 27, 2017 - “Ask the Chief” has been a Navy motto for 124 years. Since the establishment of the rank of Chief Petty Officer on April 1, 1893, the Chief has been feared and respected by members of the US Navy up and down the chain of command. Hard-fighting, coffee-drinking sea warriors garbed all in khaki, sailors and officers alike know better than to question a member of the Goat Locker.

Never forget your entry into the Mess with the Navy Chief Anchored Design! Give these out to your guys when they do good, or keep it for yourself as an attractive memento to remind yourself of your dedication to the Navy!

Available with Surface, Subsurface, and Air Warfare insignias, it’s sure to please any Chief, no matter what the community!

Be among the first ever to own this limited edition challenge design. Available as a coin or morale patch, Navy Crow is pleased to offer this design to our Khakis however they want to wear or carry it!

Visit and take a look around. If you have an idea for a design for a t-shirt, coin, or any other medium, fire it off to and get involved. The crew at will do everything they can to honor our servicemembers and veterans, and we call upon you to help fulfill that aim with your ideas. We’ve been designing Navy challenge coins for a long time and for a lot of commands, and we want to bring your idea to life!

Find the Navy Chief Anchored Design located at  The attached link is to all our Chief Anchored Design products! Be sure to check out the amazingly inspired existing designs for our former and current Squids, along with every other superbly-crafted product we offer!

Source : Navy Crow
Business Info :
Navy Crow
United States