New Comic Book Company Launched

Press Release ( - ST. JOSEPH, Mo. - Aug 09, 2017 - New comic book company InDELLible Comics is joining forces with publisher Amazing Things Press to release an exciting four-color magazine into the marketplace, All-New Popular Comics. Though the move may be a first for the two companies, the comics industry is well known to the trio of editors at InDELLible, Jim Ludwig, David Noe, and Dærick Gröss Sr.
Starting out with the orphaned characters of the once mighty Dell Comics Group, InDELLible is breathing all new life into nearly forgotten heroes. Upcoming talent is joining with established pros, who have worked with Marvel and other large companies in the past, to reinvigorate the comics published from the forties to the seventies. Names like Steven Butler, Dan Reed, and Dærick Gröss Sr. have a loyal fan base and have helped to launch the book into number one seller status in its category on Amazon upon it’s release. The book is further elevated by its size (8X10), and page count (64 pages), its cardstock cover and full color interiors, and the added feature of having no ads. It is a genre smashing anthology with the likes of super heroes, western, science fiction, fantasy, horror, and humor in the first issue alone, and adding romance, mystery, war, and more in the near future as well as contributions by even more comics pros.
All-New Popular Comics is available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle, and may soon be available on ComiXology.
Visit or InDELLible Comics Facebook page for more information.
Source : Amazing Things Press