New MSO Gives Employers in Canada Innovative Options for Improving Health Benefits, Retaining Employees

Published On: Oct 15, 2019

Press Release ( - MARKHAM, Ontario - Oct 15, 2019 - ​​In a time when finding and retaining skilled employees is becoming increasingly challenging, employers are actively seeking innovative ways to bolster the salary and benefit packages they offer. One new medical services organization is taking a leadership stance and answering that call with its onsite clinical services and telemedicine offerings.

Meet TeleSense Canada. TeleSense was founded in 2018 with the primary focus of offering businesses both onsite clinical and medical services and telemedicine add-on benefits for their employee teams.

“Our priority is to give our corporate clients a superior and proven means of retaining and attracting employees, improving productivity and reducing absenteeism through preventive care programs,” said Michael Haddad, President, TeleSense Canada.

And the results of comprehensive surveys conducted by Sanofi Canada and MetLife reassert that TeleSense is on the right track in providing these in-demand services. In fact, 59 percent of Canadian employees say that health and wellness benefits are important for increasing loyalty to their employer. Likewise, employees show increasing interest in coaching for nutrition (63 percent), personal health goals (61 percent) and managing chronic conditions (73 percent).

Here are some of the things TeleSense offers:

● Onsite medical services from trained medical providers that include:

– Clinical Testing – ECG, video scope, ultrasound and spirometry

– Clinical Services – Sample collections, prescription medications and specialist engagement

– Advanced Care – Concussion treatment, wellness and personalized health management (in coordination with the employee’s primary care physician) programs, and vital statistic assessments

● Telecare to provide employees with access to remote medical consultations and real-time diagnostics from qualified medical professionals; Video interpreters are available to accommodate 36 different languages including American Sign Language.

“TeleSense is driving the evolution of onsite and remote telecare services to not only address the needs of employers and their employees but to also provide proactive solutions to challenges facing our health care system such as lack of doctors, the effects of health care budget cuts and more,” he added. “Telemedicine and advanced primary care will be increasingly important health care delivery drivers and we are getting our clients ready for that new reality while also giving them the upper hand in attracting top talent in a competitive marketplace.”

For more information, go to or contact or 844-333-7774.

ABOUT: TeleSense Canada is committed to enabling high-quality health care services so medical professionals and business organizations can establish on-site clinical services and/or extend employee benefits to Telemedicine. Our priority is to provide state-of-the-art technology and access to professional medical care on-demand, as well as medical assessment and testing as needed at a convenience your employees will appreciate. TeleSense Canada offers additional Specialized Telemedicine services to Pharmacies and Consumers with the additional telemetry (Home Sensory) add-on for Elderly.

Source : TeleSense Canada
Business Info :
TeleSense Canada
8500 Leslie Street. Suite 101
Markham, Ontario L3T 7M8