Real Estate Investments

Your Complete Guide to Commercial Property Investment Today 

Your Complete Guide to Commercial Property Investment Today 

It is widely believed that commercial property investment is a lucrative, sustainable, and high-potential source of financial gains. Adding commercial real estate to your investment portfolio can help diversify it and ensure that your financial future is secure. Investing in…
Can turning to translation services help the real estate sector to bounce back from COVID-19?

Can turning to translation services help the real estate sector to bounce back from COVID-19?

Countless industries have been impacted by COVID-19, including the real estate sector. Both the sales side of the market and the rentals side have been disrupted by the novel coronavirus and the changes to daily life that have followed in…
Agrocorp Landbase: The Fresh Perspective of Land Investment in Bengaluru

Agrocorp Landbase: The Fresh Perspective of Land Investment in Bengaluru

Whenever one thinks of investing in real estate, the top 3 questions that pop in mind are: What is the minimum appreciation I could expect on the capital invested in the property? Does the location of the property suits my…
Dejargoned: Repo Rate, Reverse Repo Rate, CRR, SLR & Base Rate

Dejargoned: Repo Rate, Reverse Repo Rate, CRR, SLR & Base Rate

When you want to buy property in India and take a home loan from a bank, you have to pay interest to the bank on the principal amount, at a rate that is fixed by the bank. These interest rates…