Prosol lands in China with its zootechnical additive, BIOSPRINT® Prosol

Published On: Jul 17, 2017

Press Release ( - Jul 17, 2017 - From 16 to 18 June 2017 Prosol, with its distributor Billiken International Ltd, has been one of the exhibitors of the 8th China Dairy Exhibition held in Nanjing, Jiangsu, China.

The China Dairy Exhibition, organized by the Dairy Association of China, is the Asia’s biggest professional exhibition serving the global agriculture industry to showcase the latest products in dairy industry. During the exhibition Prosol has presented its own zootechnical additive, BIOSPRINT®, registered from almost twenty years in Europe for numerous species (Dairy cows, Buffaloes, Small ruminants, Piglets, Sows, Horses) with the goal of enhancing animal’s production performances and preserving their well-being.

BIOSPRINT® at the China Dairy Exhibition 2017

The exhibition has been a great opportunity to discuss about Biosprint® productivity and profits with Chinese partners: Prosol dairy experts have met farmers and professionals to discuss on how to improve farming with BIOSPRINT® in their nutritional strategies.

The quality of the milk, indeed, largely depends on the type of food given to animals which has an huge impact on the wellbeing of animals and results in better quality of their products. Through an incisive contribution to the digestive efficiency, BIOSPRINT® is able to improve the production performance of the animals thanks to improved capacity to use the diet energy and assimilate the nutrients necessary for an high productivity.

For further details visit BIOSPRINT® Official Website  –

Source : Prosol S.p.A.