Press Release (ePRNews.com) - SAN FRANCISCO - Feb 16, 2017 - Posted Courtesy of Wright Enterprises~~~
National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc.
San Francisco Chapter
Multicultural National Coalition of 100 Black Women San Francisco Chapter’s
Twelfth Annual Golden Girls Hats and Gloves ‘Bridging the Generations’ Tea”
The annual parade of hats and gloves salutes community leaders
in a grand and fashionable way on San Francisco’s Historic Nob Hill.
The San Francisco Chapter of the National Coalition of 100 Black Women, among more than 50 affiliates nationwide, celebrates its “Twelfth Annual Golden Girls Hats and Gloves Tea: ‘Bridging the Generations’ March 4, 2017. The chapter will host the tea Saturday, March 4th with registration and silent auction at 11:30 a.m. The tea and program begins at 12:30 p.m. at the historic Fairmont Hotel, 950 Mason Street, San Francisco, CA 94108.
The San Francisco National Coalition of 100 Black Women, SFNCBW President, Maxine V. Hickman, Ph.D., SFNCBW Founder and President Emeritus, I Lee Murphy Reed, SF NCBW 3rd Vice President & Tea Chairperson, Ridwana Bentley have announced keynote speaker and the community leaders to be honored at this year’s tea.
Keynote Speaker, Mary Stutts, Vice President of External Affairs for Comcast NBCU California will surely inspire guests and The 2017 Honorees: Dr. Lisa Dyson, CEO, Kiverdi (Advocacy); Tinka Floyd-Blackmon, Radio Personality 106.1 KMEL World Hit Gospel Show (Arts); Yvette Bradford, External Affairs Kaiser Permanente (Community Service); Virginia Marshall Retired, San Francisco Unified School District Educator (Education); Letita Hanke, CEO Lime Foundation (Entrepreneur); Dr. Brenda Spriggs, Physician & Lecturer (Health); Ollie Mixon, Community Activist (Golden Girl) and Karen Jenkins Johnson, Jenkins Johnson Gallery (Trail Blazer).
” As always, we have another great group of honorees that will continue in the tradition of leaders we’ve honored for more than a decade, “said President Maxine Hickman. President Emeritus I. Lee Murphy Reed’s vision is a reminder that we can never give too much credit where credit is due. It’s an inspiration to us all as the community joins with us to celebrate the stories of these accomplished ladies of distinction. And we will also be encouraged and inspired by our keynote speaker, Mary Stutts.”
The $150 tickets for the event are tax-deductible to the extent of the law and can be purchased by calling 415 665-2524 or visiting 2017hatsandglovestea.eventbrite.com (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/12th-annual-golden-girls-bri…)
Sponsorships are still available. Contact Dr. Maxine Hickman at 415 999-1990. Proceeds from the annual tea help fund the chapter’s Workforce Development Training and Employment Program, a partnership with Covered California and the I.T. Bookman Community Center. The National Coalition of 100 Black Women San Francisco Chapter is an advocacy group dedicated to the empowerment, education and training of women for the total advancement of society.
Source : Sf Chapter National Coalition of 100 Black WomenWright Enterprises