Stepparent Adoption Texas $325

Published On: Jun 30, 2021

Press Release ( - United States - Jun 30, 2021 - A stepparent adoption is the best course for some families; it may not be for everyone.  It is important to be certain that everyone one concerned is emotionally capable and ready to make this important step in changing the family structure. Besides the natural parent and stepparent, other children in the home may be involved.  Taking the time to consider these factors could save you anguish down the road.

As you probably are aware if you are considering stepparent adoption, taking action means that you are lawfully accepting responsibility for the adoptee(s). Adopting him, her or them provides stability and can help them to feel safe and wanted in their home and family. Sometimes the adoption will cut ties to the missing or abusive biological parent, allowing the child a new-found feeling of freedom. Stepparent adoption can also prevent separation if the child’s birth parent passes away. If they are old enough to understand, it is a good idea to discuss the ramifications with the child.

A question many people ask is if they will need an attorney. If there are significant complications, the answer is no.  You may try to do it yourself, which can be confusing.  Or, you can employ a company like – they complete the documents just as an attorney would, but for far less cost. Especially in cases where the adoption is contested, hiring a company like them might be the best way to go.

Before you can proceed with the adoption, the parental rights of your stepchild’s natural parent (usually the parent equivalent to your role) need to be terminated. The best way is to have them sign a consent.

If the parent is absent or seems reluctant to give up parental rights, don’t give up. Situations like these are easier to handle with someone on your side, but it’s still possible to continue forward with the adoption. Whatever the case, it’s important that parents be given the chance, if possible, to terminate their rights before you proceed.

Sometimes, as in the case of abandonment, consent will be hard to get. Sometimes a parent’s rights can be terminated if the child has not been contacted for a period of time. The natural parent can be served, either in person, or via publication.  Certain mitigating factors will determine which method is used.

In most states if the child is older, usually starting between the ages of 10 and 14, the child must give his or her consent to the adoption.

Filing a petition to adopt lets the court system know your intentions. You’ll need to contact your local family court or other court system that handles stepchild adoptions. The petition will usually include background information about you and your spouse. This is also the time when you will complete and submit a criminal history background check.

Even if consent to adopt is given and no one contests your right to adopt the child, you’ll still need to appear in court. You’ll state your desire to adopt your stepchild to a judge. Sometimes the judge may ask the child’s opinion, depending on his or her age.  These hearings are usually fairly informal and resemble a celebration, of sorts.
Upon finalization of the adoption, you can request new birth certificate from the state in which the child was born. The adoptive parent will be listed on the amended birth certificate as the child’s parent, as well the child’s new name, if you so choose to change their name.

As recommended by both courts and attorneys, company that specializes in stepparent adoption, adult adoptions and other family adoption is Stepparent Adoption Forms.  As compared to attorney fees of $2,000 plus for a single child, their fee for a stepparent adoption Texas $325 for one child, $75 for each additional child. They have been successfully helping families come together for close to 20 years.

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