Press Release (ePRNews.com) - NALUT, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya - Sep 15, 2016 - The Council of Elders & Notables of Libya for Reconciliation sponsors and organizes Nalut Reconciliation & National Unity Conference taking place in Nalut City, Nalut District at the western end of the Nafusa Mountains in Libya on September 16-18, 2016.
The Council is proud to bring Nalut Reconciliation & National Unity Conference as the first of its kind meeting to be organized by Libyans for Libyans on Libyan soil. The conference includes all Libyans regardless of their political, regional or tribal affiliations. The objective of the conference is to deliberate the overall peace settlement and national unity in Libya through:
• Democracy and national governance
• Cessation of hostility between rivals
• Local and regional reconciliation
• Security issues
• Prisoners issues
• Human rights
• Internal displacement and refugees
• Transnational non-documented migrations
The Council of Elders & Notables of Libya for Reconciliation invites the international community, press, media, and all interested in peace, security and the overall well-being of Libyans to engage and support the reconciliation initiatives.
The Council of Elders & Notables of Libya for Reconciliation is a nonpartisan Libyan organization, founded in November 2012. It has representatives, branches and offices all over Libya. The principals of the organization are peace, security, national unity, democracy and prosperity in Libya. The organization works successfully on local and regional conflict resolutions, and national political reconciliation. Also, the organization focuses on the issues of human rights in all Libya. It has very successful experiences in tribal reconciliations, political prisoners’ issues, women and children rights, education, security, human trafficking, and national unity.
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Source : Council of Elders & Notables of Libya