Feelings of shame, resentment, and anxiety might consume you and your former spouse during the separation process. Depression and severe bouts of loneliness are common, as recent divorcees gradually adjust to single life’s highs and lows. While the aftermath of romantic separations may seem to be a matter of declining emotional well-being and crushing heartache, a divorce’s side effects can be equally physical. The divorce process’s physical challenges include appetite changes and increased susceptibility to colds due to a compromised immune system.
While child custody battles and splitting assets are two more apparent culprits of divorce-related stress, here are the lesser-known challenges you should expect to face when parting ways and venturing into singledom.
Your support system will now consist of lawyers and notary publics
Notary publics play a crucial role in proceedings by verifying you as a valid party. When you meet with a licensed divorce notary public, he or she will confirm your identity and review your required documents. The notary will then ensure that your former spouse or third party isn’t coercing you into a divorce before witnessing each of your signatures. Once your notary signs and dates the papers, an official seal or stamp will finalize the process. To streamline the process, soon-to-be divorcees should consider partnering with a notary from Superior Notary Services.
You may encounter unforeseen financial hurdles
Splitting up can bring unexpected financial challenges in addition to attorney’s fees and other expenses. For example, many recent divorces currently have health benefits and coverage through their spouse’s employer. Should you decide to finalize the divorce, however, you’ll have to obtain an insurance policy of your own. Be warned that these insurance payments can add exorbitant costs to your already piling stack of bills.
If you plan to retain your marital home, be sure to factor in mortgage payments and residence-related expenses. Keeping these in mind is essential to avoid sudden changes and inconveniences. If you’re able to afford one, a financial advisor can work wonders when it comes to assessing your monetary circumstances post-divorce.
You might rethink your decision
Many divorcees tend to look at their failed relationships through skewed lenses, solely focusing on their relationship’s honeymoon phase. This way of thinking is ultimately harmful because it questions your better judgment. Remembering your marriage through rose-colored glasses may lead to regret, angst, and even jealousy. These feelings can fester and intensify when your ex eventually begins dating again. If you experience this type of negativity post-divorce, it might help see a licensed therapist or counselor. There are also divorcee support groups that offer guidance and a much-needed sense of community.
You may lose friendships
While dividing up assets is a requisite part of every divorce, it’s hard to anticipate losing relationships beyond the one you’re severing with your spouse. You’ll probably bid farewell to your ex’s family members, but you might be surprised when certain friends and loved ones take sides during the proceedings. Amidst an already emotionally-charged time, weakening bonds can leave you feeling even more despondent.
Your healing process might take a long time
Moving on after a divorce is a process that’s easier said than done. Embracing a new identity and getting over your loss can be difficult feats to tackle while you’re still healing. Some experts say that your grieving period will be about half the amount of time you were in the relationship you’re mourning. Feelings of sadness may wax and wane for quite a while, leaving you confused and unsettled.
Therefore, it’s essential to take things one day at a time. Give yourself the gift of patience as you navigate the divorce proceedings. If all else fails, remember that life will be lighter and more peaceful in the future.