The Travel Vlogger Lifestyle

Published On: Apr 22, 2020
The Travel Vlogger Lifestyle

The rise and widespread use of the internet has led to the creation of many weird and wonderful jobs – for all of us who are stuck working from an office with that same tool, there are also those out there living an enviable dream life, seeing the world and taking in the wealth of different cultures. The travel vlogging lifestyle has been on the rise in recent years, and those who find success on the many platforms they represent seem to live a life of wonder.


They may oftentimes fall into a group known as digital nomads – and you can learn more about them here at Digital Nomad World. Whilst the idea of a digital nomad is still relatively new, ‘nomads’ are not. Moving from place to place and working as you travel as a story as old as time, as those who needed to could pick up their trade and move to a place where it was either more in demand, or just a little nicer to be. The modern digital nomad, however, doesn’t need to rely on a trade so much as a small set of skills to stay afloat whilst they travel – picking up remote jobs here and there, or even carving their own path – and that’s where the travel vlogger started.


Bigger sharing sites such as YouTube, and now the advent and widespread use of social media has provided a platform for those looking to share their experiences the chance at exposure – viewers looking to find an experience or capture part of something new that they may want to experience or are unable to can live a different life through these videos and experiences and this is where we see the huge rise in travel vloggers – sharing experiences of locations that they’ve visited, giving recommendations as well as the do’s and don’ts and helping their audience find deals and opportunities they may not have found before.


There is a lot of good that comes from this group of people, but with the good also comes the bad as the swarm of so called ‘influencers’ follow trends – there have been plenty of stories emerge over the years of those who travel to some of these represented locations and expect handouts because they have a following or a fanbase, as well as those who are doing things that may be considered strange or offensive toward locals.


A lot of attention is being brought to places that many may not have seen or considered before and data suggests that once a popular travel vlogger visits a location, it does bring a lot of attention from both fans other influencers too – with everything that’s going on in the world and the troubles being faced within the tourism industry, this type of vlogger and influencer lifestyle that is so popular now may be just what is needed to reinvigorate the industry but to also give the much needed attention to the more off the map areas that rely on the smaller businesses funded by those travellers to sustain their livelihoods.

CATEGORIES : Lifestyle
Monika Verma