What are the Aspects to Keep in Mind While Applying for a Loan?

Published On: Nov 04, 2019
What are the Aspects to Keep in Mind While Applying for a Loan?

Every business looks for financing options at some point in their journey. A loan being a widely recognized and feasible option is most likely to be every company’s first choice. But business owners have a million questions in mind before they decide to reach a bank for a financing solution.

A loan the simplest option of finance available to businesses and individuals. All you need to do is, give an application for a loan, give the down payment or collateral and you’re done. Before getting your hands on a loan, make sure to keep the following aspects in mind.

Credit History

Many businesses climb the stairs of success quickly because they’re able to maintain a good credit score. It doesn’t matter which loan you’re targeting, your credit history plays a huge role in the successful conclusion of your loan process. Your good credit score can help you get a loan at the cheapest interest rates because it provides an assurance to banks, eliminating any possible risk of defaults.

However, on the same hand, a poor credit score can hinder your chances of even getting a loan. So, before you apply for a loan, have a self-evaluation session to know where your business stands. Assess credit score yourself, before heading towards any bank.

Type of Loan

If you step out in the market, you’ll witness so many types of loans. Considering the type and nature of your business, you need to make the right choice. When you start a business while you’re still in college, you should apply for a student loan without second thoughts. Review the best private student loans and choose the one that is right for you.

Do you want to know more? There are personal loans, business loans – both short-term and long-term, mortgages, and equity loans. Conduct an analysis of how much money you need, after which you can compare business loans to see which one is suitable for your business.

Once you’re confident about the type of loan you’ve to acquire, you can start digging into further details.Such as what credit score or how much down payment it requires.

Down Payment

In the world of finance and loans, this is common terminology. It’s the money you’re supposed to give at the beginning of acquiring a loan. It’s usually 10% of the total loan amount that needs to be paid immediately. In case you’re short of money for the down payment, reconsider your loan amount and opt for a lower amount.

You’ll be surprised to hear that not all loans ask for down payments. But it doesn’t mean they don’t ask for anything in return for the money they’re lending you. They require you to submit a collateral. This is the case with equity loans, if you’re comfortable with collaterals, then consider options that require down payments.

Credit Duration

You must be kidding, if you think paying interest for 20 years is easy. It’s impossible for a business to survive like this. You need to set some realistic repayment settlements with the bank that are in accordance with the amount of money you’re borrowing.

Mortgages are generally a long-term commitment and go up to 20 years in most cases. They generally involvea huge amount. However, these are not preferable for businesses due to the long-time span. Before acquiring a business loan, consider the amount of loan you need and in how much time do you wish to pay back. Head over to a bank, they’ll help you plan a proper schedule.

Financial Situation

Remember, never bite more than you can chew because it would get stuck in your throat. Same is the situation with loans, never borrow so much that you’re unable to pay back. This is because it would leave you at risk of default.

So, what you can do about it? Monitor your financial situation by preparing budgets. These budgets would give an accurate picture of where your business stands in the next few years. If there’s even a slight possibility that you won’t be able to pay back loans, then back off or opt for a lower amount.

Consider All Hidden Charges

Sometimes, there’s a misconception in the air about everything is clear and understood. Banks consider you know about all ‘XYZ’ charges because it’s obvious, however, this is not true. Therefore, you need to read the whole thing – all the papers and documents before signing the deal.

This is important because it uncovers hidden charges that banks usually impose on businesses that are new to the field of loans and financing. These charges won’t be some hardcore charges. But again, as a matter of fact, you should be aware of all sorts of arrangements and penalty fees, early, and delayed repayment charges.


Jumping right into acquiring a bank loan may be easy but surely not the best thing to do. You need to back it up by some amount of research and data, to ensure minimal errors. The above-mentioned points were some of the aspects to keep in mind while applying for a loan.


CATEGORIES : Mortgages and Loans
Monika Verma