Why Is the Integration of VR in Education Inevitable?

Published On: Jul 30, 2020
Why Is the Integration of VR in Education Inevitable?

Modern technologies are developing at a terrific speed, but most of them enhance comfort, safety, and efficiency in practice. For example, virtual and augmented reality (VR / AR) technology can be used for learning in schools, universities, and enterprises. To engage the student and make him/her understand the information and gain practical skills rather than simply remembering facts. Artificial intelligence has not replaced teachers, and VR videos have not yet supplanted traditional textbooks. But these and other technologies are already changing approaches to the learning process.

Virtual reality (VR)

Virtual reality helps you immerse yourself in the topic under study. Without leaving the classroom, a school teacher can give children a tour of the ancient city, go to the bottom of the ocean or show a volcanic eruption. Interactivity is one of the main advantages of VR technology. It is much easier to remember and understand what you can touch. And while during a school lesson or lecture at the university, it is very easy to get distracted, then virtual classes completely capture the attention of students.

VR / AR in everyday life

Although for some, this may sound like a distant future, we unconsciously use VR / AR daily in many areas. Filters on Instagram, applications for photo and video correction already have a built-in augmented reality. So the massive introduction of VR in areas such as training and work is only a matter of time.

The integration of VR, which is usually seen only as a toy for entertainment, can dramatically change all areas. Doctors can learn to identify the problems of diseases more clearly, and architects can understand the strength of materials and study composition within virtual reality. So far, VR technology has been widely used in large corporations’ marketing and presentations to visualize an idea or process better. But the prospects that open up, it is worth introducing technology into education and medicine – are endless.

What Is the Advantage of Virtual Realities?

They allow you to create an environment that is perceived by a person through the sensory organs. VR / AR will enable you to simulate comfortable conditions for acquiring new knowledge, and especially for teaching children, adolescents, and youth. It will not fully replace the study patterns in your schools or colleges, but maybe you will not need to think, “how do I write my essay?” as homework assignments may transform in the nearest future.

Augmented reality also gradually takes its special place in learning. AR allows you to expand your understanding of the processes taking place in the environment. Updated sensory data is formed not in a new, but a completely familiar environment. Placing any objects in a specific situation in which they are initially absent allows us to simulate the most unusual practices for educational tasks.

Virtual reality will help us increase immersion in all stages of training, and if integrated as part of practical tasks, it will significantly increase the digestibility of the material. You will be able to familiarize yourself with the processes that are difficult to understand without practice. Such practical projects will improve students’ involvement in the learning process, forcing him to forget how to format his essay correctly. So far, thoughts on how to write my essay are more important than what I know about this subject. And this is a problem worth finding solutions to.

Quite original to the study of a foreign language came in Japan. The Tokyo Shoseki publishing group has released a series of English-language tutorials and a mobile application that supports augmented reality on a smartphone. The company offers a new look at the familiar world of learning and not write off old books, combining usual things and modern technology.

It is necessary to purchase masks to use virtual reality technology in schools. Today, there are already more than 20 free applications in various subjects that can be integrated into lessons. For example, Google Expeditions provides more than 700 ready-made photospheres on topics that even have a short description of the lesson’s issue. The introduction of technology in education is a rather lengthy process, as teachers must first be trained. However, if you do not start today, then tomorrow it will be too late.

The AR and VR formats in education can be different, but their advantages over full-time study are obvious. The transfer of experience and pictures through virtual and augmented reality is primarily due to the effectiveness of involvement and the improvement of the educational process. More than 90% of students successfully absorb such material, which gives hope for the effective use of virtual and augmented reality in education.

Monika Verma