Winter Car Care Tips

Published On: Dec 15, 2020
Winter Car Care Tips

Winter is here and we all know that means. But you may not have thought about how to best prepare your car for the cold weather. After all, when you’re inside a warm house or office, your vehicle’s wellbeing isn’t something you much think about!


But, when it comes to your car, the importance of regular maintenance cannot be understated. So, with the Winter here and temperatures not looking especially forgiving in the immediate future, now is probably a good time to check in on your car.

Let’s look at how you can ensure your car is ready to tackle the chills in the most effective manner with these winter car care tips.

Warming Up Your Car

Perhaps this is the simplest and most obvious winter car care tip you should know. Some articles may suggest that it is not important to warm up your car before driving since the mechanical components have evolved greatly and modern cars are not prone to the problems suffered by older models. However, it is imperative that you warm up your car before you start driving. This helps to ensure that the engine oil flows to all nooks and crannies of the engine. So, once you start driving the inside parts of the engine are properly lubricated and it helps to prevent wear and tear inside the engine. Keep in mind that the engine oil will thicken up during winter, so it will take more time to flow throughout the engine. Ideally, you should let the car idle for about 5 minutes before you can start moving.

Tyre Pressure

One of the most crucial points when it comes to taking care of your car during winter is tyre pressure. During the warmer months, the tyre pressure increases and during the winter months the pressure decreases because air expands in heat and contracts in the cold. recommends that you regularly check your tyre pressure during the winter months. Driving with low pressure will cause a great impact on your driving, so make sure you check your tyre pressure more frequently than you would normally do in the summer.

Health of Your Car Battery

The biggest enemy to your vehicle’s battery is the summer heat. While the winter cold doesn’t cause any temperature-related damage to your car battery, its effects are manifested in different ways. In case you notice that your car’s battery charge is running low, there’s a good chance it will die off in the winter. The distilled water inside the battery serves a critical role in maintaining chemical reactions. If the distilled water freezes, it can lead to permanent damage to the battery cells. The main signs of battery damage are faulty electrical systems. Weak or flickering lights, startup problems, non-functioning audio systems and lights are key indicators of problems with the car battery. But the good news is that these problems can also be cause by loose terminals or loose connections. It is best to have a qualified mechanic to inspect the car for such problems.

From low tyre pressure to frozen fuel lines and a bad battery, winter can take a heavy toll on your car. These are just a few of the important things you need to inspect to ensure your car is well-prepared for winter. But it’s best to have a professional mechanic have a look at all the systems in your car to ensure everything is properly maintained during winter.


CATEGORIES : Automobiles
Monika Verma