2 Steps To Ignite The Northern Beaches Economy

SEVENmile Venture Lab founder, Greg Twemlow, believes the long term success of Silicon Valley was essentially matching smart, innovative entrepreneurs with the capital they need to realize their potential. Brains + capital = economic growth.
2 Steps To Ignite The Northern Beaches Economy

It’s been said that Silicon Valley is a huge success because of the “Brains + Capital = Economic Growth” formula.

SEVENmile Venture Lab is launching Northern Beaches Angels to emulate the Silicon Valley formula in Sydney’s Northern Beaches.

In 1920, the seaside suburb of Manly sought to attract Sydney-siders with the slogan, “seven miles from Sydney and a thousand miles from care.”

One hundred years later, SEVENmile Venture Lab is launching Northern Beaches Angels with a vision to attract angel investors and connect innovative entrepreneurs and business owners with the capital they need to launch and grow companies.

An active angel investment community will support social and economic resilience in the northern beaches region of Sydney. Enabling angel investors and High-Net-Worths to support startups and existing businesses that have compelling business potential is key to achieving long-term economic growth. There are many reasons to consider angel investing and here are just a few:

  1. As an early-stage investor, you can be part of a network with other investors who keep up with what’s happening on the cutting edge of technology, society, and capital.
  2. Your investor peers, and the teams at the companies you invest in, are some of the most interested and interesting people in the world.
  3. Working collaboratively with founders and investors to discover, examine, fund and support early companies builds new knowledge that expands your professional capabilities.
  4. Bonus points if you have a particular mission in life (environment, underrepresented founders, international development, for instance) because you can surround yourself with likeminded people and opportunities by targeting investments to that mission.
  5. If you are lucky to be located in tech-rich geography such as Sydney’s northern beaches, all of these arguments are doubly strong, because local relationships are even more important for successful networks, whether for you individually or for the companies and funds you invest in.

SEVENmile Venture Lab founder, Greg Twemlow, believes the long term success of Silicon Valley was essentially matching smart, innovative entrepreneurs with the capital they need to realize their potential.

Mr Twemlow commented, “SEVENmile Venture Lab has the skills to support Northern Beaches Angels to assess investment opportunities by following these 7 essential attributes to pass due diligence”:

  1. a leadership team with complementary skills
  2. the founders should be investing
  3. the angel investor believes in the idea and sees an exciting market opportunity
  4. along with funding, the angel investor has skills and connections that add value
  5. the startup founders can tell their story and portray a big picture opportunity
  6. there is clear evidence of product/market fit; Customers are the best teachers/advisors
  7. the founding team have demonstrated their focus, persistence, and resilience

Early-stage investing is a vibrant and exciting industry where you’ll be inspired by the innovation and bravery of others.

It’s important to note there’s a variable degree of risk that generally is matched by the potential of very significant returns.

SEVENmile has the strong support of leading business and government people who live in and love the northern beaches, an area that is considered to be the jewel of the Sydney basin.

Northern Beaches Council Mayor, Michael Regan, commented, “Northern Beaches Council is proud to support our start-up business community and the creation of innovative local jobs that match the capabilities of our residents. Angel investors are an essential element of a thriving start-up ecosystem. Working together, SEVENmile and NB Angels will help ensure expanded access to economic opportunities on the Northern Beaches.”

Our Member of Parliament for Manly, James Griffin, added his support, “It has been great to support SEVENmile Venture Lab and local innovators as NSW undergoes its digital revolution. Programs such as Northern Beaches Angels are vital for connecting NSW with the jobs of the future, and I congratulate Greg and the SEVENmile Directors for their initiative.”

The focus now is the kick-off event on March 26 to launch NB Angels.  You can register for the event here: https://events.humanitix.com.au/northern-beaches-angels-kick-off

Read more about SEVENmile on the website at https://www.sevenmile.org.au/

Interested to sponsor the launch event or NB Angels, or have questions?, please contact Greg Twemlow at greg@sevenmile.org.au or mobile +61 412 555 416

About: SEVENmile Ltd is a For-purpose corporation and ACNC certified charity – ABN: 72 630 286 636. Registered Office: Suite 10, 8 Belgrave St Manly 2095 – w: sevenmile.org.au



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