5 Benefits Of Growing Your Own Fruit And Vegetables

Published On: Jun 05, 2023
5 Benefits Of Growing Your Own Fruit And Vegetables

You might have noticed in recent years that growing your own produce has become quite trendy as more and more people find inventive ways to make the most of their outdoor space.

While some people go as far as buying a tractor in order to enjoy a farm-to-table meal, the truth is you can grow your own fruits and vegetables without a farm. Whether you have an acre of land, a small backyard, a patio, or even a balcony, here are five benefits of growing your own produce.

A Cost-Effective Hobby

Hobbies can be expensive but not this one! You can either buy seeds and grow your plants from little seedlings or buy a plant that is already ready to be repotted. Either way, these are one-time purchases and when you do not buy them in a grocery store or supermarket, they are rather cheap. What’s more, you will soon be able to enjoy the “fruits” of your labor, for free.

Little To No Skill Required, Just A Bit Of Research

Again, you don’t neccessarily have to be an agricultural expert in order to have a vegetable patch. You simply need to read up on which vegetables should be planted depending on the season and temperature. Then research how to best maintain them. That is, when and how they need water, when to trim them, and when they need fertilizer or a larger place to grow.

Good For The Environment 

When you grow your own produce, you are putting more oxygen into the atmosphere, which helps clean and purify our air. You are thus contributing to a cleaner world! Secondly, you also end up consuming less commercial produce than you would have otherwise bought at the store. By not supporting industrialized farming, you are saving more green spaces!

More Time Spent Outdoors, More Vitamin D

These days, we are always glued to a screen, whether it be our computers, phones, or TVs. Taking time to go outside and tend your garden, water your plants, and pick their fruit will renew your mind.

It will encourage you to think about something else for a moment and allow you to escape from whatever might be weighing you down at the moment. Not to mention the Vitamin D that you will be able to absorb from the sunshine. The benefits are endless!

Scientifically Proven To Be Therapeutic 

Lastly, growing your own produce is scientifically proven to be therapeutic in the same way petting a dog would be! It calms your mind while also occupying it. Working with your hands and carrying out small, methodical tasks allows you to let your thoughts wander and relaxes you in ways you would not have thought possible.

CATEGORIES : Gardens and Landscape
Monika Verma