6 Tips When Moving to a New Property

Published On: Sep 14, 2020
6 Tips When Moving to a New Property

Moving is never easy; it takes forward planning and a lot of organization (which is always tricky if you aren’t a natural planner). Getting to grips ahead of time with tips like the ones below means that you can be more confident during your move knowing that you have covered the necessities.

1.    Start Packing Early

It’s never good to leave all your packing until the last minute. It’s a good idea to start by packing up your most unused items or rooms a long time in advance if you can. Getting packing materials and boxes ahead of time means you always have everything you need and can pack as you go, rather than in a rush. You can then store your boxes at home until you’re ready to move.

2.    Arrange Utilities Ahead of Time

You’re going to need everything in working order from the moment you arrive through the door of your new property, such as hot water, electricity and even internet. To avoid running into complications before your utilities have even started running, such as having to wait a long time for an activation date, it’s better to plan ahead to have them all set up ready for moving in day.

3.    Invest in Professional Cleaning Services

Whether it’s professional cleaning to restore a rental property to its original state before you move, or whether you’d like to invest in the deep clean of a new property before you officially move in, it’s always a good idea to employ cleaning services to ensure that your new (or old) property is in its best condition. It’s never good to leave a mess behind, or move into a property which isn’t in a clean state, therefore opting for services like Cleaner Cleaner Ltd can be a huge help.

4.    Make Use of Lists and Labels

Be as organized as possible when it comes to your packing and your to-do list. You want to be able to identify which boxes belong in which rooms, so that everything can be organized more easily, so be sure to label boxes correctly.

Writing reminders and to-do lists will help you to ensure that there is nothing you have forgotten, including an inventory of all items you need for your new property.

5.    Have a Thorough Declutter Before You Move

To save on time, costs and energy, you want to ensure that every item you move to your new property is absolutely needed. Moving is the perfect time for a declutter, as you can then eliminate any items you no longer want, and might wish to donate or sell. This means less to move, and that your new home will be furnished only with necessary items.

6.    Book Yourself Time Off

Moving is stressful enough without trying to do it around full-time work or other commitments. Planning ahead to book yourself time off work for moving day will best help you to plan removal companies and also to concentrate fully on your move without having to worry about work.

Monika Verma