Press Release (ePRNews.com) - DELHI, India - Oct 27, 2016 - What if the signal would not disappear right when you needed it the most? Were you booking an important ticket and your data connectivity got disrupted? How often have you been troubled with a situation when you wished that your cell phone bars could stay with you a little longer?
Say Goodbye to weak call signals, call drops and low data speed. These things do not fit into SSG-704’s ecosystem. We simply hate disruptions in cellular connectivity and are head over heels in love with seamless communication; be it with our friends, family or for business purposes. A revolutionary breakthrough in the network booster industry, this Tri-Band signal amplifier device can boost up your signal by up to 36x of its original signal strength. The multiplier effect does wonders to your ability to communicate; something that you cannot imagine but only experience. Plus, it serves as an all-in-one solution as it is good for all network bands: 4G(1800 MHz), 3G, DCS and GSM.
Specifically designed to improve mobile signal quality and voice quality manifold, increase data speed like never before and eliminate call drops absolutely, SSG-704 is a leading cell phone booster in Indian communication space and is trusted by users worldwide. A perfect signal booster for home and office alike, the device can augment signal within 3,000 Sq. ft. optimally.
The cell phone booster kit contains a set of two antennas, cables, booster device, mounting set up and a comprehensive installation guide, all this at a competitive price and unmatched quality.
A must have for all users facing cell phone disruptions; let us understand the reasons why you should consider purchasing the booster.
1- Easy to install – Installation is never a problem with SSG-704 network booster. The easy to install kit with step by step guideline ensures that you can do it yourself. This is simple and fast. Plus you do not need external visitors for help or even call the technical desk for support.
2- Uncompromised boosting ability – 36x it is; which means that you shall experience up to 36x amplified signal strength as compared to the original one post installing the booster. Isn’t that marvelous?
3- Highly improved Call Quality – SSG-704 lets you enjoy a never before calling experience. With up to 100% clarity in voice, it makes cellular communication enjoyable for you.
4- Zero Call Drops – Call drop problem shall disappear from your life forever. With us, you shall be able to take every important call and even the not so important ones. We ensure 100% call reception on your cell phone through enhanced signal strength.
5- Outstanding Data Speed – In the fast moving world where time is of essence, we make every click of your internet faster with exemplary data speed.
6- One Year Replacement Warranty – Never before in the history of Indian cell phone booster has any company taken responsibility of its product to such extent. Our one year replacement warranty guarantees superior product quality and ensures our consumers peace of mind.
7- Sleek and Compact Body – The signal amplifier device is small and sleek which makes it possible to hide anywhere – behind the curtains, on the false ceiling or beneath the sofa. We make sure that it does not interfere with your room décor.
8- Low on Maintenance – Once installed, you need not worry about the maintenance of the booster or any of its parts. Absolutely negligible on maintenance, SSG-704 allows you to forget it once installed; literally.
9- 24*7 Operational – The low power supply required for operating the booster and its auto cooling mechanism makes the booster good to use 24*7. Thus, you can enjoy superior call quality and data speed, uninterrupted.
10- One Time Investment – The one-time investment in our signal amplifiers reaps benefits lifelong, without any additional cost.
SSG-704 is selling fast. You can have your own through logging into Ava Systems website http://www.avasystemssignals.com.
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