CodeBroker COVID-19 Shopping Survey Reveals How Retailers Can Beat Amazon

Published On: Sep 01, 2020

Press Release ( - BOSTON - Sep 01, 2020 - According to new CodeBroker research — “Consumer Shopping Habits During The COVID-19 Pandemic” —  65% of consumers are shopping more at Amazon and less at their favorite stores. However, 75% of survey respondents indicated that mobile coupons and special offers are key to bringing them back inside and online at their usual shopping destinations.

“We wanted to look at the changing attitudes of U.S. consumers as they adapted to a new reality,” said Dan Slavin, CEO of CodeBroker, a Boston developer of mobile marketing solutions. “It was interesting to see what might prompt consumers to overcome their fear and make more shopping trips.”

The survey polled 1,407 U.S. consumers divided between 54% female and 46% male. Over half (59%) fell in the age range of 24 to 55. A majority (18%) of respondents fell in the $25,000 to $49,000 income bracket.

Top Survey Findings

Since the pandemic started, more than half of the research respondents (53%) said that they are shopping less often, with three-quarters spending less at their favorite stores.

Nearly two-thirds (65%) say that, since the pandemic began, they have been shopping more at Amazon and less at their favorite retailers’ online stores.

But three-quarters (75%) of respondents indicated that they would shop more often at their favorite stores if they received mobile/digital coupons.

Respondents offered insights into things retailers can do now to encourage shopping, including:

  • Making shopping safe by employing mandatory mask-wearing in stores
  • Offering high-value mobile/digital coupons
  • Providing free shipping on returns

The key takeaway for retailers hoping to drive sales and retain customers long term is the role digital coupons can play in prompting consumers to choose them rather than Amazon.  

“The results suggest opportunities for retailers to compete against online retailers like Amazon through both physical and online channels,” said Slavin. “As retailers grapple with ways to protect and build business during and after the pandemic, considering the role that high-value coupons delivered via mobile can play in their marketing efforts holds significant promise.”

To access the complete report, please click here or visit

About CodeBroker     

Founded in 2008, CodeBroker’s mobile marketing solutions are used by the world’s most recognizable brands and retailers to drive customer acquisition, retention, and loyalty. Our Offer and Coupon Marketing Platform includes a suite of applications that empower marketers to create, deliver, orchestrate, and measure personalized omnichannel offers and campaigns across the customer lifecycle. Learn more at or contact; Twitter | Facebook | Linkedin.

Media Contact:
Victor Cruz
for CodeBroker

Source : CodeBroker
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