Dr Les Bailey / general osteopathic council. The truth
Dr Les Bailey and persecution by the general osteopathic council . Back and joint pain centre caterham. The truth behind the general osteopathic council persecution of Dr Les Bailey. Dr Les Bailey from the back and joint pain centre ,located in Caterham, Surrey ,was prosecuted by the General Osteopathic Council, and we discuss the false and malicious headlines on the general osteopathic councils website, and why this governing body should be removed from our statutes . Quite simply ,they are destroying what was once a great medical discipline for people in pain, and employing unscrupulous tactics against anyone who crosses them . Dr Les Bailey was registered with the General Osteopathic Council ,and resigned in 2004 , along with a number of other disillusioned “old school” Osteopath’s .They were there at the beginning of the council, and this should have been a great time in history for the osteopaths as a profession.

In short, there was a mass exodus of old school osteopaths from the general osteopathic council, moving away from what is ,in essence , a government quango run on the old boys network of pecking order within the ruling body.
In the 100 ,or so,years, pre the general osteopathic council, Uk osteopaths were registered into different associations. For example, the Guild of Osteopaths, the British and European Osteopathic Association, the Register of Osteopaths, the College of Osteopaths, etc ,and everything ran smoothly. Osteopathy ran forward at great momentum.
Dr Bailey was a member of the Guild of Osteopaths, as well as the British and European Osteopathic Association, and was also an advisor to the British Register of Complementary Medicines official Osteopathy register.
Dr Les Bailey was also a senior lecturer at the Northern Counties College of Osteopathy, an accolade he remains proud of to this day .
All of these esteemed bodies ceased, when the announcement came that the UK government had finally “recognised” osteopathy as a profession ,and osteopaths were to be registered with the General Osteopathic Council, and therefore, osteopathy would be protected and ruled by this new “quango”
Dr Les Bailey would like to stress, that while Osteopathy was split into various registering associations, these registering bodies competed to be the “top dog” ,and ,if truth were to be told, Osteopathy was becoming better and more effective by the year.
However, each association had its political animals that strove for power in the new council, and it was these “ grey suits “that got the seats in governing the General Osteopathic Council, and therefore , the profession of Osteopathy .
The old school osteopaths were too succesful treating patients ,to afford the time to stand on committees ,attempting to look important.
These grey suits got the positions of power, and so the general osteopathic council came into being,run by osteopaths who were ,generally ,vociferous in a political arena , but couldn’t establish a succesful practice ( one doesn’t get time to care for patients and be a political leader in the real world)
One had to be registered with the new quango to use the title “osteopath” (a title that is rather nonsensical ,as osteopaths don’t treat bones, they treat joints, and muscles / soft tissue) and so ,the general osteopathic council was in great swing, promising osteopaths effective PR in the media ,and educating the general public as to what an osteopath does. They also promised to promote the profession, and gain greater recognition and awareness amongst the population.
For this “privilege”, they charge osteopaths a hefty membership fee, and, to coin a phrase, they conned the profession. In short, the average person still has no idea what an osteopath actually does, any more than they did before the great quango took over .
A huge number of the “old school” and highly experienced Osteopaths, didn’t register ,and practiced under different working titles.
There transpired very little of the promised PR, and, up to today, the average member of the public , and even the medical profession, knows next to nothing about what osteopaths actually do. However,in real terms, the damage goes way deeper than just a broken promise about PR .
Ever since the General Osteopathic council sent their “grey suits” into the colleges, the graduates are graduating, sadly short, on being equipped to treat patients effectively and rapidly. The reason behind this, is that the teaching of many effective treatment techniques have been banned due to poorly judged health and safety “concerns”.
A glaring example of this is the brilliant lumbar lift, a highly safe manoeuvre, that can be used ,even in cases where there is disc involvement or problems such as spondylolisthesis ,and is ,both safe ,and effective. The official reason for this poorly thought out banning is that… wait for it…. the osteopath might just possibly injure their own back, and take legal action against the college for daring to teach them the manoeuvre!!! The instances of stupidity, like this example , is a serious detriment to the patients of these future osteopaths.
When Dr Les Bailey interviewed for Osteopaths ,to join the back and joint pain centre in caterham ,he has been saddened by how ineffective their chosen treatments are. But Les, being a philanthropist , has allowed these newly trained osteopaths, to accompany him when treating patients, teaching them the more effective old school methods ,to get patients free of pain rapidly, and, 99% painlessly.
It is a sad reflection of the general osteopathic councils rulings ,viz teaching, regarding their graduates weak treatments.
In the next 10- 20 years, osteopathy will denigrate into the way of NHS physiotherapy, and be, for all intents and purposes, useless.
One ponders whether the drug companies may have orchestrated the sad depletion of Osteopathy training, so they can ensure people remain reliant on drugs ,such as expensive painkillers that boost their profits.
An eminent chiropractor, who is an “old school “chiropractor, has remarked, he too, has noticed the same downward slide happening in chiropractic teaching .
At the back and joint pain centre ,in caterham ,he was due to have an osteopath join the staff, and with respect to his new colleague , displayed the General Osteopathic Council’s logo on the clinic shopfront. He felt it somewhat hypocritical to display their logo, given his hatred of the council, but did this for his colleague.
Dr Les Bailey, has been very vociferous about his anti-general osteopathic council feelings for years, and became a target for persecution by them ,hence, ending up ,being taken to court by the general osteopathic council, and fined, as the signs were displayed a few weeks before the new osteopath was ready to start at the clinic. So, Dr Bailey, was therefore prosecuted on a technicality.
The new osteopath is with the back and joint pain centre now ,and has become a very effective young osteopath (Usman Kasser).
What has been seen , can only be described as, aggressive and vengeful reporting on the general osteopathic council website , proved, by the adverse press they created, implying Dr Les Bailey was “posing” as an osteopath!! The genuine truth is ,that Dr Les Bailey is not only highly qualified in Osteopathy, he was a senior teacher too, but simply chooses to be registered by different bodies, and therefore ,does not use the title “osteopath”!!
He truly ,would not deem to use the title osteopath ever again, as people go to him, when modern trained osteopaths have failed to achieve the results the old school approach gives.
Being an old school trained practitioner, and with 40 years succesful practice, no patient has been hurt and thousands of cases have been successfully treated.
The real crux of all this , is not who anyone registers with ,but, future patients reading over 350 happy patient testimonials (on the clinic website), to demonstrate testimony to the work of Dr Les Bailey .
After all, this is about getting patients out of pain isn’t it? And the proof is surely “in the pudding “ as they say !
It is a far off dream ,that the political animals, at the General Osteopathic Council, would realise the negative effect they are having on the profession, and end this damaging quango, The profession could be great once more.
Newly trained osteopaths, have always been welcome to attend the back and joint pain centre, and watch Dr Les Bailey work ,and learn the effective ways ,that can only help their patients.
Dr Les Bailey is a physical therapist and senior practitioner at the Back and Joint Pain Centre,175 Coulsdon Rd, Caterham, Surrey, cr3 5nu, 01883341949.