Get in Touch with Your Creativity During the Pandemic

Published On: Mar 05, 2022
Get in Touch with Your Creativity During the Pandemic

Most people don’t have time to explore their creativity. The only time they get creative is when they arrange toppings on a pizza or decorate a cupcake. Luckily – or unluckily, depending on your point of view – the global Covid-19 pandemic has left us with a lot more free time. So, while you are stuck at home, furloughed, why not take the opportunity to be creative?

The Benefits of Creativity

Being creative has a lot of benefits. Creative people are better at solving problems. They also deal better with uncertainty and can think outside the box. You might have scoffed when your best friend from school studied art at college while you did a business degree, but that friend is probably a more well-rounded person as a result.

Creative activities can also help to relieve stress, which we all have in abundance in these uncertain times. It’s very easy to lose all sense of time and place when you are concentrating on a painting or drawing. Before you know it, several hours have passed, and you’re feeling a lot more chilled.

Before you start, have a think about what type of creative activity you want to try. Do you like painting? Or are you happier working with wood or wool? There are dozens of different arts and crafts activities you can try. Check out YouTube for some inspiration.

Shop for Art Supplies

If you are stuck in lockdown, shop online for a few basic materials. A sketch pad, some pencils, and paints are all you need. Start by drawing what you see. Place an apple on a plate and spend some time looking at it closely. Study its shape, the tonal values, and the colors. Try and draw an image that looks three-dimensional. It’s harder than it looks, but once you train your eye to look past the obvious, you’ll be amazed how detailed the world becomes.

Don’t expect every creative activity you do to be a success. In fact, it’s better if you treat each exercise as a bit of ‘fun’. The more pressure you put on yourself, the less fun it will be. Your goal is to enjoy being creative – not to create a masterpiece.

Sign Up for Online Classes

The internet is a great place for creative people. There are dozens of platforms offering online art classes, such as this online art school. Look for courses that suit your skill level. Every art teacher has a different style of teaching, so if you find a course you don’t ‘gel’ with, don’t lose heart.

Look for Artists You Admire

Spend time looking at artwork you admire and try to figure out what you like about it. Art is very subjective. We all like different things. Instagram and Twitter are both useful platforms for viewing the work of other artists. The more time you spend looking at work by other artists, the more you’ll feel inspired to create your own.

Lastly, try to spend an hour each day being creative. This is the best way to tap into your inner artist!

CATEGORIES : Lifestyle
Monika Verma