Harbor Collective MMCC has partnered with San Diego’s premier coastal cuisine restaurant, Lionfish, to bring much-needed food and supplies to the homeless population in the downtown area.

Press Release (ePRNews.com) - San Diego, CA - Dec 23, 2019 - Harbor Collective MMCC has partnered with San Diego’s premier coastal cuisine restaurant, Lionfish, to bring much-needed food and supplies to the homeless population in the downtown area.
The event took place on November 24th, 2019, when the staff came together at the popular seafood eatery to assemble care packages that included food, water, and hygiene products. These packages, or paper bags, were then distributed to the needy in the area who gladly received such useful assistance.
Lionfish, under the guidance of its Executive Chef ‘Jojo’ Ruiz, has long been at the forefront in battling against food insecurity and partners with non-profits and local business owners to donate and distribute excess food. This initiative was further supported by volunteers from Project Paper Bag who assisted in preparing food that went into the care packages that were distributed. The brainchild’s Sandra Garcia and Nathalia Castellon, with Project Paper Bag have successfully organized similar bag drops in Downtown L.A. and other areas to help meet the immediate needs of the less fortunate.
With about 5,000 unsheltered homeless in the county, Harbor Collective has seen a need that requires attention and collaboration with other like-minded organizations to provide relief and support to this often sidelined segment of the community. As the weather gets cooler and wetter, it is hoped that more organizations and individuals will make a greater effort to provide assistance during this holiday period.
Harbor Collective works to not only deliver such food and basic essentials to those in need in the local community, but also to educate others on how their products can be of therapeutic benefit.
About Harbor Collective
As the leading medical marijuana dispensary in San Diego, Harbor Collective has established a reputation for providing a safe and professional environment where people can be educated on what options there are. Whether you are looking for pain relief, to stimulate appetite, or reduce stress, you will find the help you need at Harbor MMCC. Located 1 miles south of the Downtown San Diego area, Harbor Collective is a state-approved medical and recreational marijuana dispensary.
Source : Cannabexchange