How Movies Can Change Our Minds

Published On: Sep 16, 2020
How Movies Can Change Our Minds

Once upon a time we would have had no clue the impact a film could have had on our lives and our minds, but those days are over. Now thanks to the internet and psychology insights, it is easier than ever to hear the thoughts, opinions and feelings of those who have watched something all around the world, which can begin quite the debate, unifying or cause downright controversy.

If you are asked to think of a film that caused a stir, it might not take too long for one to come to mind, along with the discourse or discussions that came along with it.

To have frank discussions with critical thinking and acknowledging the varying impacts a film might have may definitely change the way we view the world or our perceptive on specific events or experiences from then on.

So, with that being said, how are films changing our minds?

Films and Their Influence

Films have been discussed extensively for their ability to influence those who watch them, even in the subtlest of ways. It is often a cause for debate, an example being, will violent films turn people violent?

There have been studies conducted that have pointed in the direction of films having a direct influence over viewers when it came to a variety of topics, which can be both beneficial or terrifying depending on which movie has been watched!

However, these findings have shown they can impact those of younger ages, and children, whose brains are not fully developed and have not yet required the capacity to think critically completely. Not only that, from a sociological standpoint, but they are also still developing their own world views, which is why external influences can create such a change. That being said, it is important to note this is almost entirely to do with the individuality of the child, rather than the films themselves!

Films and Inspiration

Films can offer inspiration to viewers as nothing else can. To put it simply, at the very core, films remind us that we are alive, we are not alone, and what is worth living for, which are three extremely important things. Sometimes we need an external influence to refresh our memories on these, and films often do an excellent job of doing that. From a creative point of view, those who have found a film that has touched them might find a new burst of creativity or find the confidence to try something they have been putting off. It is not uncommon for people to immerse themselves in everything to do with a film that has had such a profound positive impact on them to learn more about themselves and seek out further inspiration.

Films and Understanding Different Perspectives

Films are one of the most effortless ways to see how another person lives, thinks, and acts when faced with a multitude of scenarios or how someone else would deal with events already happening in their lives. While this can have a significant impact on one person’s life, could it change the world? The short answer is yes, it could. When films alter beliefs and attitudes of individuals, they are then geared

up to bring about social change, whatever that change may be. Hopefully for the greater good!

CATEGORIES : MarketingSocial Media
Monika Verma