How to Transform an Unkempt Garden into a Leafy Paradise

Published On: May 27, 2023
How to Transform an Unkempt Garden into a Leafy Paradise

Running a home and, at the same time, juggling your personal commitments and professional responsibilities can be more than a little stressful, and if you yourself have this jam-packed schedule, then it is entirely understandable if your garden is not looking its best.

However, summer is just around the corner, and there is no better time to get your gardening gloves on and head out into the backyard. Here is how to transform an unkempt garden into a leafy paradise.

Create a Stone Pathway Through the Center

One simple yet exceedingly effective method of transforming a messy garden is to lay beautifully ornate stepping stones or slabs to create a pathway through the center of the space.

For extra aesthetic value, you could plant flowers in different colors along each edge of the pathway and match the colors and tones to the flowers situated directly opposite each other. This defining of clean and crisp lines in your garden will make a huge difference to how it looks and the level of upkeep and maintenance your new layout will require in the future.

Define Some Parameters

When re-designing the actual physical layout of your newly upgraded backyard and garden, one of the major aesthetic elements (not to mention the security aspect) of the space is the fence around the perimeter.

Expert Chesterfield fence and decking builders will be more than willing to answer any questions or queries you have regarding a new fence and, what is more, could come out for a visit to your backyard so you can ask for advice from the professionals in person.

Build a Compost Heap

Another excellent and furthermore, entirely sustainable way of clearing up your garden is to create a compost heap from the removed weeds and other dead or dying plants.

Trim down everything from larger trees and shrubs to overgrown flower beds, and once complete, rake the soil. If you have access to one, it is also advisable to use a special flame gun to ensure the weeds will not be growing back anytime soon.

Declutter the Space

In the same way (unless you are a fastidious cleaner) that one or more rooms are not exactly messy but untidier, this also applies to your backyard, so throughout your gardening work, make sure you declutter each area as you go.

Any outdoor toys and games should either be recycled if they have been left outside through the winter months or else cleaned with the hose pipe and left to dry in the sunshine, and any empty bottles of fertilizer or garden gloves with holes in them should also be thrown away.

Pay Attention to the Lawn

Finally, even if your lawn does not take up the largest area in terms of space within your backyard, the eye is naturally drawn to it, and as such, your overgrown lawn needs some special attention.

Strim down longer blades of grass, then rake the clippings into your new compost heap before aerating the lawn and feeding it with a recognized lawn food.

Monika Verma